Friday, December 30, 2011

Dream 12-30-11

I was at a school. The building kind of reminded me of Ellison, only the walls were taller, the place was a lot bigger and it seemed almost like a maze at times. I was wandering around looking for somebody. There were strange arcade games all over the place where you were supposed to be able to win stuff. A couple were broken. All of the rest had people playing them already. There were people everywhere. Even on the stairs and I had to try and walk around and over them. I never found who I was looking for. At one point I even looked out a window or glass door out onto the field and there were so many people out there. I ran into Jack a couple of times, but he didn’t really say anything to me.

Then things got a little worrisome. It got dark and everybody was trying to get back home. A bunch of us lived in the building. There was a group of about 5 of us that got stopped in this hallway. We were milling around while they took the first person into this room and started interrogating her. They dumped everything out of her bag and when through it. Someone gave me a stroller that folded up like an umbrella and a flatiron which I was trying to hang onto without dropping. By the time they got to me they seemed very frazzled and disorganized and the line (mass) of people had grown significantly. I couldn’t find the stroller and flatiron I had just been holding, but I thought that was ok. A skinny guy told me to sit down in chair and he started to ask me about something having to do with fairness. “Do you think it’s fair that-” and then he turned around to talk to the lady seated behind him and they took each other’s pictures. When he turned back to me he took a picture of himself. I was very agitated by this point and stood up and told them I didn’t think it was fair we were all being interrogated. That it was late and hot in the hallway and everybody was miserable and just wanted to go home. That whatever it was they were trying to accomplish was failing miserably and their disorganization was just making things worse. I don’t know if they agreed or just weren’t aware enough to realize what I was saying, but they didn’t try to stop me when I left. Eva was waiting out in the hall and asked me what was going on. I told her I had no idea, but that I was going home and she should, too. We bolted down a hall and through some double-doors. She took a left and I kept going straight. We were walking pretty quickly and I soon realized someone was chasing me. I don’t think it was anybody from the room. I ran down the hall and outside into a courtyard filled with buses. Most of the buses were filled with toys. I was looking for bus #303, but couldn’t find it. The numbered lines went from 400s down to 100s. Soon I wound up in an open area with no cover and turns to face the person following me. He asked me something about where I was going or what I was doing, but then I woke up.

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