Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dream 09-21-10

Aaron and I were at a pool. He had made some sort of scuba setup for Elvis who was swimming around. At some point I was buying a van, but needed to find one with special seats for some reason. The kids from South Park were all in an alley doing something with a video game.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dream 09-11-10

I was at Gene Simmons’ house because Sophie and I were friends. I was spending the night and kept changing my pajamas for some reason. In addition to Nick she has another older brother who was in the army and was cute. Shannon was trying to work on some kind of business venture that wasn’t going well and we were worried about her. Sophie and I went to a library and I saw some ATHF figures I had made. They were not in good shape anymore and someone had put Fryloc’s fries in Shake. While we were there I got a text from Billy asking if it helped when he was “there” (meaning “here” I assume). I tried to reply and then something happened to my phone.

I ended up heading downtown and saw Annalisa in a garbage can getting carted off. She wasn’t struggling but I still wanted to follow to see what the hell was going on. On the way I spotted Xenashia walking by herself towards downtown so I snatched her up as well. Sometimes I was driving, sometimes I was walking. One of the points where I was walking we passed some sort of water works station. A huge pipe was sticking out of a hole and being pulled into the hole. I thought an animal was doing it and got scared. Then I saw a man down in the drain area and he assured me that no animals could get down in there. I never did tie up any loose ends here . . .

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dream 09-10-10

This one was quite odd. I was in some sort of castle. It felt really familiar except if I had dreamt this dream before, it changed early on. John was there. He was helpful at first and then started eating instant coffee powder and became aggravated and mean. There was someone around causing mischief. I learned this when suddenly a few things were different. Someone had stopped time and put things in some people’s hands. Like, one person was suddenly holding a newspaper. I saw Enrique running off with a roll of toilet paper and called out to him. Thomas was also there, but I don’t remember why or what he did. I don’t remember if we figured out who the culprit was either. The last thing I remember is someone, a teacher of some kind perhaps, threw a handful of special powder in the air and I could suspend the individual particles in the air and was in the process of shaping it into a relief picture when I woke up.