Monday, January 11, 2016

Dream 01-11-16

I was running and gunning through this huge, old, messed up building Fallout-style. It was dark, which helped my stealth. The thing I din't get is that I was hiding from (and shooting at) my friends, too. I don't know what happened, but I was in a panic to get away from everyone. Whenever I heard someone I recognized I hid deep in the comforting shadows hoping they would go away. If they persisted I had no problem dispatching them. I could see, and grab if I wanted, stuff that was in drawers or boxes - just like the game. In one eerily moonlit room, however, I came upon a locked desk drawer. I tried to pick the lock, but couldn't figure out how to get it to work. I couldn't stay there all day, so I left down a dark, empty hall and made my way onto a rickety bridge outside. I shot at, and missed, an enemy three times before waking up.

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