Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Dream 09-05-06

I was in a small town, likely somewhere in Europe. I was at a shop, it seemed closed even though there were people inside. One person I became friends with was a midget woman who worked underneath the shop. She put in a good word for me with the owner, so I could hang around without being bothered. I sampled some snacks that were like partially dehydrated banana chunks. Very interesting texture. The owner called on me to cover a front register, cash only. I had some trouble figuring out the buttons, but got the hang of it. Only had to deal with one customer. I tried to figure out the change, but didn't know how much the thing cost, there was no change in the drawer, and when I tried to read the receipt the numbers kept jumbling around on the paper. I tried to look up and ask the customer to wait a moment and he was gone. I sat talking with some people for a moment before I woke up.

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