Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dream 05-17-06

Somewhere at the beginning I ran across a coin with the face of Venus on one side and six symbols I didn't recognize on the other. I knew I had to have it, but there were too many people around for me to just take it.

I went to a store and ended up by a bank. There was a snooty girl who gave me a dirty look, told me it was closed and turned away. I knew she was the bank president's daughter. I caught up to her and made it clear that she was not better than me.

I went back to my friend's house wearing a formal dress and told them what happened. Many of them were working in some kind of cave. The sides started crumbling so I told them to get out.

One other girl and I ended up getting kidnapped by some of the preppies and taken to a shack in the middle of some parking lot or something. Apparently Aaron had been kidnapped but had been making the best of it by having sex with a few of the girls there. I was hurt and went ballistic. Somehow we got out.

We were all living in some kind of castle in the mountains. Rock mountains, not forest mountains. Aaron and I were sitting around talking and I moved my tongue around in my mouth and one of my teeth fell out. In the span of us talking about it, two more fell out.

At that moment I heard dad talking. I had all of my teeth in my hand and went out to talk to him. I asked him how far his dental plan covered and showed him the teeth in my hand. Naturally he was grossed out. I didn't hear his answer, though, cuz next thing I knew I was in the bathtub.

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