Started out with Aaron and I walking down a road towards “home”. Home was kind of like here, only it was off of a more ruralish road and the driveway was dirt like it used to be. The road seemed very familiar, like I’ve been down it in a dream before. We try to cut across the front part of someone’s lawn, but they have a weird fence and we end up penned in. I’m ready to jump over it to get back to the road, but then an old lady in a truck is pulling into the driveway behind us and some rednecky guys in a Blazer type truck pull into the driveway ahead of us. We crouch down so we won’t be seen and eventually the way clears so we can continue on. Partway down the road we passed four army guys wearing gear and setting off into a field to play paintball. Also passed a long strip of land that went around a lake or pond. Some Asian guy had bought the land and was working on building it up. I was worried about how bad it was going to look, tearing down the trees and everything. Finally we get to the beginning of our driveway (it was kind of nice because it looked so much like it used to) and there was a big gate in front of it. This wasn’t a problem, or even unusual in the dream, and we opened the gate and went home. The house was different. Kind of reminded me of my great grandma’s house in Rhode Island. It didn’t really matter much because shortly after I went inside there was a knock at the door.
I was surprised to see David and three of his friends there. New friends. They were younger. He wanted to ask me something and I guess any of them could ask me, but it was important that he asked me. He kept crying but finally he got it out that he wanted me to ask the army guys if they could play paintball with them. So I walked down with them to the field, didn’t even question how he found out where I live, and I had to dodge a lot of paintballs before I found someone I could talk to. He was very rude and said “no” and so I walked with them to a tent. There was a lady in charge of some kind of paintball tournament and she showed them how they could sign up for the tournament. Last thing I remember was standing next to a wall facing David. Not talking to him, but one of his friends was there and somehow convinced me to close my eyes. As soon as I did David started kissing me. It wasn’t awful at first but then he wouldn’t stop and I could feel this suction like a vacuum. It was disturbing and uncomfortable and I think he was crying again. Then I woke up.
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