Aaron and I were at the lake. It was low like it is currently, but we were out in it anyway. It was daylight out so there wasn't that scary "it's so dark I can't see anything!" feeling. I was waist-neck deep in the water and Aaron, standing right next to me, was only ankle deep. He started moving toward the shore so I started "swimming" towards him. The water wasn't very deep at all so it was more of an awkward mud-skipping dance. He was standing on the shoreline skipping rocks and they were zinging past my head. He wasn't trying to hit me, just happened to be skipping the rocks where I was "swimming". I got to the shore and was sitting in the mud and water when it started to rain. I got scared (lightning!) and noticed he was already walking up the path so I struggled up out of the water, grabbed my stuff and followed as the rain pelted down on me.
We got back "home" and he stayed outside while I went inside. It was dark and the lights inside were very dim. It wasn't a trailer like we're in now, it was smaller, and in an overgrown, dingy kind of trailer park. My mom was outside, my dad was at work, I think my sister was around and there was a guy inside. He didn't say anything, but kept smiling at me. Not in a creepy, lecher kind of way; more like he was genuinely happy to be seeing me. I went in the kitchen to check on dinner. The kitchen floor was of the fake-linoleum-painted-to-look-like-wood variety, but that wasn't the only thing wrong with it. The entire kitchen floor was covered with about three inches of refried beans so my feet were squishing through the floor with every step. I just knew I was going to have to clean that up.
After checking on dinner (which I kind of assume was all over the floor, but I'm not sure) I went back down the hall and that guy was sitting on the (not bean covered) floor. I was talking to him (one-sided conversation, he didn't say anything, remember?) and for some reason I started climbing up the door. I was halfway up the door, my top half around talking to him, my back half behind the door, clinging horizontally. I was halfway up the door (yes, I said that already) when my mom called me out. So I dropped down and went outside to see what she wanted. I caught a bit of "we're going to have to figure out how to get that $50 back" by the time I got to her. She was looking at a red truck that we had gotten from Goodwill. Well, my dad had gotten it from Goodwill and I don't know why she was being so nosey poking around it. Regardless, she *was* being nosey and opened up the hood to discover there wasn't an engine in it and that's why she wanted it taken back.
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