Started out here. In the living room. Someone had stuck a ton of pushpins into the carpet and I was trying to collect them all up before someone got hurt. AJ is screaming “Liar! Liar! Liar!” out mom’s window then comes in yelling “Mom! Teenagers!” and goes back in the room crying. I go in to see what is up and find not AJ, but 3 dikey bitches lounging in there. The one nearest me is on the floor and she’s the one responsible for the push-pins in the carpet. This whole room is almost covered in ‘em and she’s got a handful she tries to use as a weapon against me. I only get partially injured in the brawl and manage to kill all three of them fairly easily. I pick up one of the bodies and head for the door, but there is someone at the door. I stash the body by the dryer and answer it. It’s some lady and her family who thinks that she was supposed to be living in our house for the past couple of months. I told her she must have been mistaken because we had been living there for 10 years and closed the door on her.
Then I ended up with Billy. I was walking with him to work. When we got to the building where he worked, after making our way down a very narrow stairwell, I started kind of flirting with him. Trying to subtly let him know I wanted him to kiss me. Which he did, but it was kind of odd. He moved his tongue really fast and roughly. Found out later that that was just how he wanted to kiss at the moment. After he went in to work I went to the mall and ran into a group of people I knew. We messed around looking at the discount area of this lingerie store. I found something I really liked except there was a huge hole (on purpose) in the front over the crotch. I ran into Eva and we laughed about something. I ran into Eleanor and we mused about how long it had been. I was about to ask her if she was on myspace or facebook and she disappeared. I went to the food court and ran into Billy again. We started making out when we were attacked. This group of teenagers started throwing what looked like wiffle balls at us! I knew, though that they were explosive and we both started deflecting them and throwing them back. One was about to explode so I took off running. Billy was wrapped around my waist. I had to put him down and we ran as fast as we could before the explosion. We ended up back where he worked. This time as we were going down the stairs he gently cupped my ass. Which ended up being far nicer than the weird kissing. I woke up with his hand still on my buttock.
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