Then the TV woke me up, but I fell back asleep pretty quickly. I was running down a sandy riverbank trying to catch a strange, colorful animal that had gotten away. I couldn’t keep up with it. When I got back to the house I found an invitation to go to the birthday of someone I didn’t know. I called the number on the card and caught fragments of 2 words before it all turned to static. I looked at the phone number again. It had a 512 or 512 area code. I didn’t know the exact name of the town, but I knew it was just outside the reach of our cell phone signals. I started to get worried so I split open the balloons that had come with the invite to see if there was a message. There wasn’t.
There was a quick little to-do at the store where I worked, but my business partner had it under control. Back at the house I was in the living room with 2 or 3 of my housemates. We were hearing a bunch of mice. One of the girls looked behind the couch and within seconds the room was covered in 100s of mice. After some creative maneuvering I finally got the front door open and we started sweeping them out.
I was inside a dorm room at a special place for people with these certain special pets. We were all there so we could take care of them the way they needed to be. I went down the hall a ways to talk to a guy I had made friends with. There was a disease that was sweeping through the area, turning the pets all grey-green and sickly. I wanted to get us and our pets out of there right away.
I found him and told him what was going on. He said he knew how we could get out. We gathered up our pets and left for the yard on the other side of the building. There was a small airplane that we could use. We all climbed in and it started right up.
I had to maneuver carefully because there wasn’t much gas or much room to take off. I ended up spiraling around the main building trying to gain enough altitude to clear the trees. When I got up high enough I saw a landmark that I knew from somewhere else. It’s a huge tree with a bunch of buildings on top, like a town. I tried not to dwell on it, because that’s not where I was headed. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I knew it had to be much further away.
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