These are my dreams. Not my "one day I'll win the lottery" dreams. My "this is what I dreamt while I was asleep" dreams. Feel free to read the first post to discover what set me on my path to dreamworking. I finally have all of the old dreams from my notebooks and blog all compiled here so it is as complete as it can be. Enjoy. (spaces indicate paragraph breaks, the snazzy divider indicates different dreams in the same day)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Dream 01-30-07
I think there was something to do with the mob, but I’m not sure.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Dream 01-29-07
All I remember is sitting in a dark room scanning it with a yellow-orange fluorescent light. There were these things all over the place. I think they may have been alive, but I’m not sure. I’m pretty sure I was somewhere light and fun before that, but I really don’t remember much.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Dream 01-28-07
I was at a library or bookstore. A bunch of my high school friends were there and they were all reading the same book. It was some kind of poetry book and they were signing their name after each one.
I went to the bathroom to get away from that craziness and also because I had something to do on the other side. In the bathroom I went into a stall to pee, but I picked the broken one and it went all over the floor. There was a guy in there dressed up for the celebration we were having. I begged him to switch clothes with me.
When I started putting on the costume, I looked really good. That is, until I put on the last piece which was a fake gut. It was so heavy I fell over once before actually making it to the other room, which was like a computer/video game store.
I’m not entirely sure why, but after looking around a bit, and talking to only a few people, I felt in a hurry. I lost the costume and headed for the woods. I ran until I reached a cliff. When I got there I could see an old road with a few scattered houses. Somehow I knew that meant that I had wandered on to an army base where I had gotten lost before.
Very carefully I turned around to retrace my steps. I was following along a chain link fence with barbed wire on top when I was spotted. I never saw anyone, but I knew they were there and ran anyway.
When I finally cleared the base, I dropped my phone. It broke, but in a way that it still kind of worked. I spotted mom and the van and ran up to her I woke up after showing her the phone.
I went to the bathroom to get away from that craziness and also because I had something to do on the other side. In the bathroom I went into a stall to pee, but I picked the broken one and it went all over the floor. There was a guy in there dressed up for the celebration we were having. I begged him to switch clothes with me.
When I started putting on the costume, I looked really good. That is, until I put on the last piece which was a fake gut. It was so heavy I fell over once before actually making it to the other room, which was like a computer/video game store.
I’m not entirely sure why, but after looking around a bit, and talking to only a few people, I felt in a hurry. I lost the costume and headed for the woods. I ran until I reached a cliff. When I got there I could see an old road with a few scattered houses. Somehow I knew that meant that I had wandered on to an army base where I had gotten lost before.
Very carefully I turned around to retrace my steps. I was following along a chain link fence with barbed wire on top when I was spotted. I never saw anyone, but I knew they were there and ran anyway.
When I finally cleared the base, I dropped my phone. It broke, but in a way that it still kind of worked. I spotted mom and the van and ran up to her I woke up after showing her the phone.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Dream 01-27-07
I was at a school, really having a hard time. Always dropping stuff or late for something. There were a couple of guys I was kind of close to, but all of a sudden none of them wanted anything to do with me. I paced around the outside of the school, crying the whole time.
When I finally got a hold of myself I went to a nearby convenience store. I was looking for a demo of a game that I had just seen there, but I couldn’t find it anymore. When I was on my way home, it got very dark. I’m not sure if I was avoiding people, or if they were looking for me, but I was sneaking along a hedge so I wouldn’t be spotted.
When I finally got a hold of myself I went to a nearby convenience store. I was looking for a demo of a game that I had just seen there, but I couldn’t find it anymore. When I was on my way home, it got very dark. I’m not sure if I was avoiding people, or if they were looking for me, but I was sneaking along a hedge so I wouldn’t be spotted.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dream 01-25-07
I was on a vacation/field trip into the country. It was so peaceful and beautiful There was a little sore that sold all kinds of odds and ends, a huge flowing river, there were also some odd little birds. I went to get my camera, but my batteries were almost dead so I only got one picture. I also realized I was out of money with no idea how to get more. Before I woke up it started raining and it was the most wonderful sensation.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Dream 01-24-07
I think I remember spending time in another huge bathroom, but I don’t remember any details other than that.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Dream 01-23-07
The first part of my dream was amazing. I went out to the garage which was converted into a rec room. When I laid down, the room melted away and I was flying through a neighborhood with a lot of trees. It seemed so real I could feel the cool breeze against my skin.
Then the TV woke me up, but I fell back asleep pretty quickly. I was running down a sandy riverbank trying to catch a strange, colorful animal that had gotten away. I couldn’t keep up with it. When I got back to the house I found an invitation to go to the birthday of someone I didn’t know. I called the number on the card and caught fragments of 2 words before it all turned to static. I looked at the phone number again. It had a 512 or 512 area code. I didn’t know the exact name of the town, but I knew it was just outside the reach of our cell phone signals. I started to get worried so I split open the balloons that had come with the invite to see if there was a message. There wasn’t.
There was a quick little to-do at the store where I worked, but my business partner had it under control. Back at the house I was in the living room with 2 or 3 of my housemates. We were hearing a bunch of mice. One of the girls looked behind the couch and within seconds the room was covered in 100s of mice. After some creative maneuvering I finally got the front door open and we started sweeping them out.

I was inside a dorm room at a special place for people with these certain special pets. We were all there so we could take care of them the way they needed to be. I went down the hall a ways to talk to a guy I had made friends with. There was a disease that was sweeping through the area, turning the pets all grey-green and sickly. I wanted to get us and our pets out of there right away.
I found him and told him what was going on. He said he knew how we could get out. We gathered up our pets and left for the yard on the other side of the building. There was a small airplane that we could use. We all climbed in and it started right up.
I had to maneuver carefully because there wasn’t much gas or much room to take off. I ended up spiraling around the main building trying to gain enough altitude to clear the trees. When I got up high enough I saw a landmark that I knew from somewhere else. It’s a huge tree with a bunch of buildings on top, like a town. I tried not to dwell on it, because that’s not where I was headed. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I knew it had to be much further away.
Then the TV woke me up, but I fell back asleep pretty quickly. I was running down a sandy riverbank trying to catch a strange, colorful animal that had gotten away. I couldn’t keep up with it. When I got back to the house I found an invitation to go to the birthday of someone I didn’t know. I called the number on the card and caught fragments of 2 words before it all turned to static. I looked at the phone number again. It had a 512 or 512 area code. I didn’t know the exact name of the town, but I knew it was just outside the reach of our cell phone signals. I started to get worried so I split open the balloons that had come with the invite to see if there was a message. There wasn’t.
There was a quick little to-do at the store where I worked, but my business partner had it under control. Back at the house I was in the living room with 2 or 3 of my housemates. We were hearing a bunch of mice. One of the girls looked behind the couch and within seconds the room was covered in 100s of mice. After some creative maneuvering I finally got the front door open and we started sweeping them out.
I was inside a dorm room at a special place for people with these certain special pets. We were all there so we could take care of them the way they needed to be. I went down the hall a ways to talk to a guy I had made friends with. There was a disease that was sweeping through the area, turning the pets all grey-green and sickly. I wanted to get us and our pets out of there right away.
I found him and told him what was going on. He said he knew how we could get out. We gathered up our pets and left for the yard on the other side of the building. There was a small airplane that we could use. We all climbed in and it started right up.
I had to maneuver carefully because there wasn’t much gas or much room to take off. I ended up spiraling around the main building trying to gain enough altitude to clear the trees. When I got up high enough I saw a landmark that I knew from somewhere else. It’s a huge tree with a bunch of buildings on top, like a town. I tried not to dwell on it, because that’s not where I was headed. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I knew it had to be much further away.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Dream 01-22-07
Aaron and I were driving down a road. We came across a store that sold some cell phone stuff. We pulled up and went inside, but the stuff they sold didn’t match our phones.
We left and ended up at a tiny cube of a house trying to recreate a dessert we had made before, but we only had two of the cinnamon apple slices left.
We left and ended up at a tiny cube of a house trying to recreate a dessert we had made before, but we only had two of the cinnamon apple slices left.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Dream 01-20-07
Started out right here, except it was more secluded and we had different neighbors in front of us. Both mom and Annalisa’s cars had broken down in the driveway. The neighbors helped get them lined up so it would be easier when we called someone to pick them up.
Then Aaron and I got to cleaning out both cars. There was tons of trash in both of them. Robert M was living across from us and he came out to help as well. It was kind of awkward. I thought he had something to tell me, but I was never alone with him long enough to find out.
After that I was running all over a town trying to find physical evidence of the Ghost Pirates that were roaming around.
Then Aaron and I got to cleaning out both cars. There was tons of trash in both of them. Robert M was living across from us and he came out to help as well. It was kind of awkward. I thought he had something to tell me, but I was never alone with him long enough to find out.
After that I was running all over a town trying to find physical evidence of the Ghost Pirates that were roaming around.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Dream 01-18-07
I was in a big house trailer that was set up way out in the woods. The biggest problem was that it was nearly surrounded by mud that got up to waist deep.
Mom left and I was there with Jerry and a guy I didn’t quite know. I had kind of a crush on Jerry and tried to get him to help me with something, but he left. I was about to talk to the other guy when I heard loud bass. AJ was back. Not only that, but her girlfriend was driving her car and she was driving a little RV with 3 guys in the back.
I tried to close the gate, but they pushed their way in. I told them I was gonna call 911, but no one listened. When I got to the phone there was no dial-tone. They all piled into the bathroom, except her girlfriend who laid down on the couch.
Everyone had left headphones on the bathroom doorknob, ad my first thought was to take them and hide them. I was looking for a good place to hide them when I heard Aaron’s voice tell me I could do better than that. That gave me an idea.
I went and casually told the girlfriend that she was probably gonna get kicked out for this. She didn’t believe me at first, but I remained calm as I answered her questions and she finally got everyone together and left.
Shortly after I was outside surveying the mud with a friend of mine. She was concerned because she had seen something. We ended up wading all around the house, but didn’t see anything unusual. On the far side of the property we did come across a chain link fence. We hoisted ourselves out of the mud and followed it. A little ways down I saw a paper sign hanging off that said the fence was electrified. She had touched it when we first approached it, though so I wasn’t sure it still was.
On the other side of the fence we spotted a high school. It looked abandoned, so we climbed over the fence. As we got closer, we ended up nearly surrounded by people. We fought our way out and got to a short brick wall where matching blue with white stars superhero costumes were waiting for us. We slipped them on, jumped over the wall and came face to face with the faculty. I woke up after throwing a few punches.
Mom left and I was there with Jerry and a guy I didn’t quite know. I had kind of a crush on Jerry and tried to get him to help me with something, but he left. I was about to talk to the other guy when I heard loud bass. AJ was back. Not only that, but her girlfriend was driving her car and she was driving a little RV with 3 guys in the back.
I tried to close the gate, but they pushed their way in. I told them I was gonna call 911, but no one listened. When I got to the phone there was no dial-tone. They all piled into the bathroom, except her girlfriend who laid down on the couch.
Everyone had left headphones on the bathroom doorknob, ad my first thought was to take them and hide them. I was looking for a good place to hide them when I heard Aaron’s voice tell me I could do better than that. That gave me an idea.
I went and casually told the girlfriend that she was probably gonna get kicked out for this. She didn’t believe me at first, but I remained calm as I answered her questions and she finally got everyone together and left.
Shortly after I was outside surveying the mud with a friend of mine. She was concerned because she had seen something. We ended up wading all around the house, but didn’t see anything unusual. On the far side of the property we did come across a chain link fence. We hoisted ourselves out of the mud and followed it. A little ways down I saw a paper sign hanging off that said the fence was electrified. She had touched it when we first approached it, though so I wasn’t sure it still was.
On the other side of the fence we spotted a high school. It looked abandoned, so we climbed over the fence. As we got closer, we ended up nearly surrounded by people. We fought our way out and got to a short brick wall where matching blue with white stars superhero costumes were waiting for us. We slipped them on, jumped over the wall and came face to face with the faculty. I woke up after throwing a few punches.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Dream 01-17-07
I was out with Aaron and 2 small dogs at a restaurant. We did grab some food, but our main purpose was to rest and regroup.
After that I was walking down a path that went by a large aquarium. I ran into a guy who was a mix of Anthony and Billy. He was teasing and tempting me. He keeps mentioning mementos of our past exploits together that he’s giving to me. We didn’t even get one last run before I woke up.
After that I was walking down a path that went by a large aquarium. I ran into a guy who was a mix of Anthony and Billy. He was teasing and tempting me. He keeps mentioning mementos of our past exploits together that he’s giving to me. We didn’t even get one last run before I woke up.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Dream 01-14-07
Aaron and I were at a mall. We had Elvis with us. It was hard to keep an eye on him, especially when we went through areas where there was construction. We made our way to an employee’s lounge. There was a girl there with a Beta in a bowl, but it was sick. I cleaned out the bowl and rearranged the stuff inside and the Beta started getting better. It was purple mostly with some dark blue. I’m pretty sure we left the employee’s area, but I don’t remember what happened after that.

I was part of a celebrity game show thing. There were 6 or 8 of us in a small town. I was working at a coffee shop as part of the cooking challenges.
Then we were on a mountain path. There were wrapped presents, unwrapped presents, wrapping paper and utensils. I’m not entirely sure what we were doing, but Tony Hawk, Vern and I were zipping up and down the path gathering everything up. As we came around a bend I tipped the handle of a knife and nearly sent it over the edge of the cliff. Tony stopped and nabbed it with a spatula.
We got back down to the bottom of the path and were putting everything in a pile. There were a couple of little stuffed animals I had brought down. Tony bought one on the spot. Either for me or because of me or both I think, but I didn’t find out for sure.
I was part of a celebrity game show thing. There were 6 or 8 of us in a small town. I was working at a coffee shop as part of the cooking challenges.
Then we were on a mountain path. There were wrapped presents, unwrapped presents, wrapping paper and utensils. I’m not entirely sure what we were doing, but Tony Hawk, Vern and I were zipping up and down the path gathering everything up. As we came around a bend I tipped the handle of a knife and nearly sent it over the edge of the cliff. Tony stopped and nabbed it with a spatula.
We got back down to the bottom of the path and were putting everything in a pile. There were a couple of little stuffed animals I had brought down. Tony bought one on the spot. Either for me or because of me or both I think, but I didn’t find out for sure.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Dream 01-13-07
I don’t know where I was exactly. Aaron and I were trying to move stuff from the car to the house, trying to keep everything organized. All of a sudden I found myself in the van, on the road with a truck coming right at me. I knew there was going to be a wreck. I’m not sure if I did it or not, but the truck stopped and backtracked all the way to the end of the street giving me enough time to get to the house safely. I think we had pizza.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Dream 01-12-07
I started out playing a South Park game. I was moving the kids across a landscape to get them to a place with something . . . Waffles, maybe?
Then I ended up being the coach of this figure skating girl. I had a hard time getting to her because cops were all over the place and the roads were really narrow. When I got to the arena I kept being unprepared. I felt bad because I had nothing ready to turn in for her and she kept being penalized. Luckily the whole team did well enough for everyone to advance.
After that I ended up on a boat. There were two old guys who were a little senile navigating through some glaciers to get to a special island. I don’t think anything happened to the boat, but I ended up on a big, floating chunk of ice. Will Ferrell and another guy were on it with me. Rather, I was on it with then. They passed by a girl and a guy who were stuck on a billboard. Something about the way they did it was terribly funny. I told them as much, but also mentioned that it would be nice to stop and help. I guess I struck a chord because they turned around and went back.
First I froze the water around the billboard to give them something to stand on. Unfortunately I hadn’t noticed the guy’s feet were in the water. I woke up while I was thawing them so he could get out.

I was in “King of the Hill.” Everything took place in a giant trailer. I was searching for something to help out Hank and Peggy, but it was hard to find anything in all the clutter. I kept getting soot smudged all over my face. I ran into Joseph in a large room in the back. There was no one around and we started fooling around. He was eager, but also skilled. I couldn’t believe it. I was gathering up my stuff to go and he just kept following me with hungry eyes. I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and my face was still smudged. I asked him why he didn’t tell me and he just made a lustful noise deep in his throat. Even though the Hill’s had returned, I jumped on him one more time before leaving.
Then I ended up being the coach of this figure skating girl. I had a hard time getting to her because cops were all over the place and the roads were really narrow. When I got to the arena I kept being unprepared. I felt bad because I had nothing ready to turn in for her and she kept being penalized. Luckily the whole team did well enough for everyone to advance.
After that I ended up on a boat. There were two old guys who were a little senile navigating through some glaciers to get to a special island. I don’t think anything happened to the boat, but I ended up on a big, floating chunk of ice. Will Ferrell and another guy were on it with me. Rather, I was on it with then. They passed by a girl and a guy who were stuck on a billboard. Something about the way they did it was terribly funny. I told them as much, but also mentioned that it would be nice to stop and help. I guess I struck a chord because they turned around and went back.
First I froze the water around the billboard to give them something to stand on. Unfortunately I hadn’t noticed the guy’s feet were in the water. I woke up while I was thawing them so he could get out.
I was in “King of the Hill.” Everything took place in a giant trailer. I was searching for something to help out Hank and Peggy, but it was hard to find anything in all the clutter. I kept getting soot smudged all over my face. I ran into Joseph in a large room in the back. There was no one around and we started fooling around. He was eager, but also skilled. I couldn’t believe it. I was gathering up my stuff to go and he just kept following me with hungry eyes. I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and my face was still smudged. I asked him why he didn’t tell me and he just made a lustful noise deep in his throat. Even though the Hill’s had returned, I jumped on him one more time before leaving.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Dream 01-11-07
I made a trip to Japan to help out with a play that some people were working on. I’m not sure what It was about, but we didn’t make much progress. I ran into Ron Jeremy and tried to talk to him, but didn’t get a chance to.
For some reason we were all clearing out of the area we were working in. Like something bad was coming. I remember trying to email some people when I got back home.
For some reason we were all clearing out of the area we were working in. Like something bad was coming. I remember trying to email some people when I got back home.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Dream 01-10-07
Something had happened so that only about 10% of the people in the world were alive and well. I didn’t run into zombies or mutants or anything, but I knew there was something out there to be afraid of.
Most people banded together with friends or family and found a safe place to live. I was always on the move. First I visited a friend (Ellie?) and helped her to relocate. Then I went to see mom and dad. I brought them some supplies and helped them clean up the building they had moved into. They were getting ready to go out which made me happy.
Next I spent some time underground. There was a whole little community down there. First I visited my “best friend” and we swapped clothes. Then I went and saw some ladies who were having dinner together. Their kids had gotten married, but something had happened at the reception. I think the mother-in-law had a fling with the bride and she felt bad because she thought that’s why the marriage didn’t work out.
On my way back to the surface I ran into some cartoons.

I spent some time at an old pier where there were 20 or so sand sculptures. I wanted some ice-cream, but it kept melting. Then I was helping restore an old house. A slightly older guy was picking out glass for some light fixtures and I helped. I really think I’ve had this dream before. If not together, then separate.
Most people banded together with friends or family and found a safe place to live. I was always on the move. First I visited a friend (Ellie?) and helped her to relocate. Then I went to see mom and dad. I brought them some supplies and helped them clean up the building they had moved into. They were getting ready to go out which made me happy.
Next I spent some time underground. There was a whole little community down there. First I visited my “best friend” and we swapped clothes. Then I went and saw some ladies who were having dinner together. Their kids had gotten married, but something had happened at the reception. I think the mother-in-law had a fling with the bride and she felt bad because she thought that’s why the marriage didn’t work out.
On my way back to the surface I ran into some cartoons.
I spent some time at an old pier where there were 20 or so sand sculptures. I wanted some ice-cream, but it kept melting. Then I was helping restore an old house. A slightly older guy was picking out glass for some light fixtures and I helped. I really think I’ve had this dream before. If not together, then separate.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Dream 01-09-07
There was a lot going on. At one point I was trying to drive up a rocky path in a car that wasn’t working very well. I think I was trying to get away.
Then I ended up at a school. I felt like I was there for a while, but I don’t quite remember much before the end. I ran into Jason. I tried talking to him, but he was acting funny. Apparently his father had died and he was upset that no one had bothered to talk to him in such a long time, that no one knew how he was now. I never got a chance to respond. Just as well since I really couldn’t think of anything good to say.
In class I found myself eating some weird crackers. They weren’t great, but I was hungry. The teacher was a little unusual. He had us playing baseball, only no one ran bases, and your position changed as the game revolved around the room. I wasn’t paying attention when I became catcher and missed the ball. I found it behind my chair, it was all mashed up but I threw it anyway and the game continued.
Then I ended up at a school. I felt like I was there for a while, but I don’t quite remember much before the end. I ran into Jason. I tried talking to him, but he was acting funny. Apparently his father had died and he was upset that no one had bothered to talk to him in such a long time, that no one knew how he was now. I never got a chance to respond. Just as well since I really couldn’t think of anything good to say.
In class I found myself eating some weird crackers. They weren’t great, but I was hungry. The teacher was a little unusual. He had us playing baseball, only no one ran bases, and your position changed as the game revolved around the room. I wasn’t paying attention when I became catcher and missed the ball. I found it behind my chair, it was all mashed up but I threw it anyway and the game continued.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Dream 01-08-07
At first I was trying to clean my room, but mom kept trying to give me more crap to put in there. There was a guy at school who refused to move from this porch area. Some kind of protest maybe? Then I spent some at a convenience store where a friend of mine worked. It was around midnight when we left. We were driving down the highway and there was a wreck right in front of us. There was a small fire. We stopped to pull them out of the cars. The guy I was helping was feeling frisky and grabbed at me. I didn’t mind because I knew he was going to be okay.
I was working at a department store. I think I had just started working there. I was wearing some kind of faerie costume. They had me running around cleaning up after a cat that was getting sick and pooping everywhere. It was all mucus-y and gross, but I did my best to keep up.
I was working at a department store. I think I had just started working there. I was wearing some kind of faerie costume. They had me running around cleaning up after a cat that was getting sick and pooping everywhere. It was all mucus-y and gross, but I did my best to keep up.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Dream 01-07-07
I think I was with some classmates, I guess on a field trip or something. It was an open area with walls and stairs and picnic tables all around. We were standing in line for what was supposed to be a really crazy mini-haunted house. I had already been and wasn’t impressed. Whatever the gimmick was, I knew it was done with twins.
The guy I was with made some comment which really upset me. I could feel myself starting to cry so I took off and sat at one of the picnic tables to calm down.
Next thing I remember is standing in line at a convenience store. Penn (from Penn & Teller) was in line in front of me. I asked for his autograph and gave him a piece of paper. He doodled all over it, but never signed it.
The guy I was with made some comment which really upset me. I could feel myself starting to cry so I took off and sat at one of the picnic tables to calm down.
Next thing I remember is standing in line at a convenience store. Penn (from Penn & Teller) was in line in front of me. I asked for his autograph and gave him a piece of paper. He doodled all over it, but never signed it.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Dream 01-06-07
It was me and 3 or 4 friends. We were at an old grocery store investigating some ghosts that were there. They weren’t exactly ghosts, but something else. They were black forms with glowing red eyes. They were really attracted to me especially, and we got at least 3 of them on video.
After that we were walking down Trimmier by the bank. A big military truck pulled up and ushered us inside, then they started shooting at the bank. There were terrorists stationed all over the place and a lot of innocent people got caught in the crossfire. There was one final explosion that barely missed us, but disintegrated the last of the terrorists and one of the military guys. Another guy helped strap us into the truck to take us home.
After that we were walking down Trimmier by the bank. A big military truck pulled up and ushered us inside, then they started shooting at the bank. There were terrorists stationed all over the place and a lot of innocent people got caught in the crossfire. There was one final explosion that barely missed us, but disintegrated the last of the terrorists and one of the military guys. Another guy helped strap us into the truck to take us home.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Dream 01-05-07
My family and I were out in the country. We were trying to get somewhere. I remember a big box of chicken nuggets and some zombie-like people were wandering around, but not enough to really be concerned about. At the end of the dream I ended up back here sorting through some mail that was left on the porch.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Dream 01-04-07
I’m pretty sure I started at a school. I was sent off to pick up some girl scout cookies. Shouldn’t have been a problem, but the place I went to that should have had them didn’t have the right kind.
Next thing I knew I was working on filming an ad. Another girl and I were in lingerie, but we were selling diamonds, but we were wearing contacts with pumpkins on them. I looked I a mirror and noticed my eyes were brown, which I did find odd. We never got the ad right either.
Next thing I knew I was working on filming an ad. Another girl and I were in lingerie, but we were selling diamonds, but we were wearing contacts with pumpkins on them. I looked I a mirror and noticed my eyes were brown, which I did find odd. We never got the ad right either.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Dream 01-03-07
I think I started out on an island, in a small village where everyone was friendly and fun. There was on guy in particular who was soft-spoken and strong. We were all gathering for dinner in the center of town when I suddenly found myself at the apartments in Germany.
I got the impression I had been there awhile. When I showed up at a wedding in the building, no one thought it was odd that I was there, even though I hadn’t been invited. The bride showed off the figurines that had been on her wedding cake to me before giving me a slice.
When I turned around, most of the people were gone. All that was left was the bride, groom, a man who could have been Brad Garret and myself. And, of course, the pilot, because we were now in an airplane on our way to Hawaii. The bride and groom were going to skydive or something to kick off their honeymoon. Brad and I (and a couple of other people who had shown up) were to be taken back t the mainland.
Unfortunately the pilot was old and scatterbrained and, in fact, died while taking off. We were nearly backed into a train, but I managed to get us enough left to avoid that and several other structures. I brought the plane down as best I could near an abandoned junk yard. We got out only to turn back and realize that the dead pilot had turned into a pirate zombie. He started to come after us and I made for the car lot in hopes that at least one would work so I could get away.
The car I picked would have been very fast if I could have kept it going. The engine kept cutting out. The key was a miniature version of the car, 1/3 of the left side could be turned ¼ revolution and I could hear the engine turning over, but it wouldn’t always catch.

Started at a library I’ve been to in dreams before. I was there with someone but she was on the computer behind me. I think it was Sandra. The staff was being very rude so we left early. She was driving, but not very well. I had to keep telling her to get over.
I had her let me out at a shopping center. I wanted to pick up some things, but Elvis showed up and I couldn’t take him into any of the stores with me.
Then I ended up on some kind of military base. I wandered through a chemistry class, but that’s not why I was there. I was looking for a door. I ran into a general and he took me to his office. He told me he knew of 3 doors, one of which would take me where I wanted to go. He held up a key and 3 colored doors appeared on the wall. He said these were reflections, the actual doors were elsewhere. I don’t know why he showed me because he also said he couldn’t allow me to look for them. I told him I would and he really couldn’t stop me. I knew he wouldn’t be violent. He was a good guy.
That night I went out on a test run. There was a deep underground tank of water. I was fairly certain that’s where my door was, even though there was only one guard watching. I wore a sundress and headband and had my stuffed cow. No shoes. I had made myself invisible so I could move around undetected, but that wouldn’t help once I jumped in the water.
I set my cow down by a tank and walked to the water’s edge. I threw off my headband which caught the guards attention, then I jumped in. He noticed the splash and jumped in after me. We sank fairly deep, but he never let go. Nearly chocked, then I took a deep breath and was fine. Then something happened and he started chocking. I grabbed onto him and pulled him out of the water. I felt an incredible connection to him and did not want him to die. I performed CPR and he coughed up all of the water.
He thanked me and we got to our feet. I could sense that he didn’t want to take me in, but he had to. I hugged him fiercely and he just held onto me until I let go. Before we set off for the general’s office I noticed that he had lost his boots and both of our toes were painted cream and turquoise.
I got the impression I had been there awhile. When I showed up at a wedding in the building, no one thought it was odd that I was there, even though I hadn’t been invited. The bride showed off the figurines that had been on her wedding cake to me before giving me a slice.
When I turned around, most of the people were gone. All that was left was the bride, groom, a man who could have been Brad Garret and myself. And, of course, the pilot, because we were now in an airplane on our way to Hawaii. The bride and groom were going to skydive or something to kick off their honeymoon. Brad and I (and a couple of other people who had shown up) were to be taken back t the mainland.
Unfortunately the pilot was old and scatterbrained and, in fact, died while taking off. We were nearly backed into a train, but I managed to get us enough left to avoid that and several other structures. I brought the plane down as best I could near an abandoned junk yard. We got out only to turn back and realize that the dead pilot had turned into a pirate zombie. He started to come after us and I made for the car lot in hopes that at least one would work so I could get away.
The car I picked would have been very fast if I could have kept it going. The engine kept cutting out. The key was a miniature version of the car, 1/3 of the left side could be turned ¼ revolution and I could hear the engine turning over, but it wouldn’t always catch.
Started at a library I’ve been to in dreams before. I was there with someone but she was on the computer behind me. I think it was Sandra. The staff was being very rude so we left early. She was driving, but not very well. I had to keep telling her to get over.
I had her let me out at a shopping center. I wanted to pick up some things, but Elvis showed up and I couldn’t take him into any of the stores with me.
Then I ended up on some kind of military base. I wandered through a chemistry class, but that’s not why I was there. I was looking for a door. I ran into a general and he took me to his office. He told me he knew of 3 doors, one of which would take me where I wanted to go. He held up a key and 3 colored doors appeared on the wall. He said these were reflections, the actual doors were elsewhere. I don’t know why he showed me because he also said he couldn’t allow me to look for them. I told him I would and he really couldn’t stop me. I knew he wouldn’t be violent. He was a good guy.
That night I went out on a test run. There was a deep underground tank of water. I was fairly certain that’s where my door was, even though there was only one guard watching. I wore a sundress and headband and had my stuffed cow. No shoes. I had made myself invisible so I could move around undetected, but that wouldn’t help once I jumped in the water.
I set my cow down by a tank and walked to the water’s edge. I threw off my headband which caught the guards attention, then I jumped in. He noticed the splash and jumped in after me. We sank fairly deep, but he never let go. Nearly chocked, then I took a deep breath and was fine. Then something happened and he started chocking. I grabbed onto him and pulled him out of the water. I felt an incredible connection to him and did not want him to die. I performed CPR and he coughed up all of the water.
He thanked me and we got to our feet. I could sense that he didn’t want to take me in, but he had to. I hugged him fiercely and he just held onto me until I let go. Before we set off for the general’s office I noticed that he had lost his boots and both of our toes were painted cream and turquoise.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Dream 01-02-07
I was at a field trip or something at a hospital/school. The building was huge which made me feel a lot better when a huge storm started rolling in. I went to the bathroom and there was a line, but there were plenty of stalls empty. Once I pointed that out the line went a lot quicker.
I ended up hanging out with a guy that seemed a lot younger. For some reason mom came and picked us up to see a movie. We went to a restaurant first. The food was good, but I had the hardest time deciding what I wanted and the table we sat at was pink and purple and kind of ugly.
Then on the way to his house we picked up Thomas who, I guess, was his brother. When he got in the van he came back and kissed me. It was a lot more awkward than I would have expected.
The whole neighborhood was totally deserted. For some reason the kid was driving the van and nearly backed us into a ditch. I’m not entirely sure what we were doing there. My necklace broke and he tried to help me fix it, but only made it worse. When we left people started appearing and slowly the neighborhood started looking normal.
I ended up hanging out with a guy that seemed a lot younger. For some reason mom came and picked us up to see a movie. We went to a restaurant first. The food was good, but I had the hardest time deciding what I wanted and the table we sat at was pink and purple and kind of ugly.
Then on the way to his house we picked up Thomas who, I guess, was his brother. When he got in the van he came back and kissed me. It was a lot more awkward than I would have expected.
The whole neighborhood was totally deserted. For some reason the kid was driving the van and nearly backed us into a ditch. I’m not entirely sure what we were doing there. My necklace broke and he tried to help me fix it, but only made it worse. When we left people started appearing and slowly the neighborhood started looking normal.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Dream 01-01-07
First I had to practically escape my house. There were eyes on me all the time. I went to an office building where I apparently worked. I was meeting some people for dinner. For some reason I was only wearing a sweater.
I ran into a guy who was like a mentor to me. He told me that some friends of mine were being forced to sell their company so I went over to talk to them. I had an idea to help them, but the waitress would not leave us alone. I was about to buy her a drink to get rid of her, but she snapped, grabbed a girl’s book and started yelling at us. I snatched the book back, told her off and asked my friends to meet me outside for a smoke so I could tell them about my plan.
Outside I ran into Ryan and asked him if my idea to lure other potential bidders away so that I was the only one there was even legal. He never got a chance to answer. The girl of the company said there wasn’t enough time.
Then there was a big mass of a parade with someone else I knew right in the center. I joined in then took a shortcut to my house to get changed. I ran back into her in front of my house, sans mob. I never knew she lived on my street in the beautiful Asian decorated house.
There was something interesting about the waitress. Apparently we were in some kind of theater guild together. I was going to ask her why she didn’t just say something if she was feeling so bad, but then I saw it. It all came out in her performances. Unfortunately by the time she snapped it was too late. I think she had to be carted off.
I ran into a guy who was like a mentor to me. He told me that some friends of mine were being forced to sell their company so I went over to talk to them. I had an idea to help them, but the waitress would not leave us alone. I was about to buy her a drink to get rid of her, but she snapped, grabbed a girl’s book and started yelling at us. I snatched the book back, told her off and asked my friends to meet me outside for a smoke so I could tell them about my plan.
Outside I ran into Ryan and asked him if my idea to lure other potential bidders away so that I was the only one there was even legal. He never got a chance to answer. The girl of the company said there wasn’t enough time.
Then there was a big mass of a parade with someone else I knew right in the center. I joined in then took a shortcut to my house to get changed. I ran back into her in front of my house, sans mob. I never knew she lived on my street in the beautiful Asian decorated house.
There was something interesting about the waitress. Apparently we were in some kind of theater guild together. I was going to ask her why she didn’t just say something if she was feeling so bad, but then I saw it. It all came out in her performances. Unfortunately by the time she snapped it was too late. I think she had to be carted off.
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