I was with a class on a trip to another school. It was in a small out of the way town, but it was all newness and flash. A very nice school. They had invited a few other groups and were putting on some demonstrations. I noticed they had a lot of new technology for such a small town.
I had a small group from my class who followed me. Not to any demonstrations, just wandering around. A lot of areas became blocked off as more things started going on. I decided I was hungry, so we left for the van.
I got out to the parking lot and realized it was a lot emptier than it should have been. Also, the van was nowhere to be seen. I walked around and noticed some cars driving off. I followed them down a path through some woods that opened up into a huge gorge. Like a strip mining crater. There was a huge warehouse off to one side, and almost like a scaffolding all around where cars were being disassembled.
Next thing I remembered, or realized, was my group and I holed up in a room of the warehouse in a stand-off with the car thieves. Someone had found some guns. Another girl and I took up arms and started blasting away.
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