Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dream 03-23-16

(This morning I woke up for a smoke. When I laid back down he said "yes", moaned and started breathing heavy for a bit)

I wanted to ask him what he had dreamed about so I could see if it was related. We ended up at a parking garage across from a mall (pretty sure I've been there in dreams before) I asked him what he had dreamed about. "256 pages of" some project? He was explaining but it didn't make sense. Then two people he knew pulled up. Female - one taller and older, one much shorter. They parked and he was still talking about the papers dream so I held the door for them... They just stood outside the door staring at the floor so I let the door close. That made him mad. "Why did you do that?" "They were just standing there" Whatever. I left to find the car.

I hate this garage. It makes no sense and the people are mean. A group of girls made fun of my hair. Ugh. I try to find an empty place to sit. There's a small bench in a corner. Some kid comes up behind me and starts talking to me. I ignore it. This makes the dad angry. "You gonna just ignore my kid when he's talking to you?" Yup, you too. I walk away.

I find the car, charge my phone, grab a smoke - and lose the car again. I hate this garage. I go to check the lower levels. It's dark and a lady at a desk yells "you can't smoke down there". Fuck off. I make my way down one set of stairs and look over the railing. It's a nursery. Oh. That explains that.

We get back to his house. So close we could have walked. May have since the car was there. I re-park it just to be sure. Of what? I don't know. There are so many people and animals. I try to explain why I asked about the dream and he blows me off. Fine. There's something wrong with one of the cats. It has a huge hole in it. "That's from the worms". Okay... The hole is stuffed with a fishbowl full of water. A dog tries to drink out of it. That's disturbing. I wake myself up.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Dream 03-12-16

I was getting a tattoo on my back. It was supposed to be a giant spider. I didn't feel much at first, then there was some pain. Like someone pressing on a bruise. I was angry because it ended up being a werewolf instead of a spider. There was a commotion outside, but I don't remember what it was.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Dream 03-11-16

There was a sort of cafeteria inside a grocery store. I didn't have much appetite, but they had the big, soft pretzels and I had three of those. Jackie (Aaron's cousin) spotted some decadent treats, but the calories were insane. Somehow she talked me into splitting one with her.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dream 03-09-16

I was trapped. I don't know how it happened. My hiding spot was GOOD! I was supposed to go for help. Instead I was taken with everybody else (and all of our stuff) to some weird compound on an almost-island far from anything. One of us got away. There was part of a fence he was barely able to squeeze through. I felt in my heart that he made it. He should have sent help. Help never came.

Years passed and the compound grew. I became some kind of teacher. I never forgot that hole in the fence. One day I'd had enough. I don't know what set me off. I managed to gather the others from my group into a small hall by the hangar with all of our stuff. We had to be quick and quiet. We were going to get out. The hangar door was cracked open and I could see the fence hole. Easy. There was a noise and the others scattered. Except one. A woman. My only friend. I climbed over the mass of stuff. Gremlin. I caught him and my friend found a backpack to trap him in. We made our way outside and managed to get her car open so we could stuff him in there. Hopefully no one would hear.

Days passed. Our captors decided to clear all of our stuff from the hangar and sell it. It was all set up in the yard. On display. So much stuff. Now we couldn't take anything. Back at the house part of the compound we waited. Watched while other groups bought up our stuff. One trio was particularly annoying. Maybe they helped get us captured? I couldn't remember. I looked through a window, following the road with my eyes. I thought I knew which way to go once we were beyond the fence. That way, to the right. South? Maybe. It was a long road and not much cover. Not even sure if the town by the bridge is safe. We'd need a car, but they were all on this side of the fence...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dream 03-08-16

Deadpool dream. He never wore the costume and kept flirting with me. I don't know what we had stumbled into, but we kept getting separated and someone was always after us. Us and one other woman. I tried to avoid confrontation as much as possible. Mostly running and trying to find new weapons.

The three of us managed to get to the same park where we were going to regroup. We sat near each other trying to look inconspicuous. Some asshole was hassling the people who lived in the apartments nearby. Deadpool grabbed my arm and stuck it between his legs. When I got my arm back there was a small pistol up my sleeve. He managed to pull that off right before we were rounded up with the tenants.

"You go over there, on the right. Sucks for you with all that glass"
"yeah fine"

I made my way, slowly, towards a scared looking group huddled by a fire. I tried to look casual while scanning the area... there. A large shadow to the right. I ducked in and rounded the corner. Stopped. Two thugs had seen me. I pulled out the gun and waited. As soon as they came around the corner I shot them. Four times in the chest each. No way I had many more bullets in this tiny little pistol. There was a tree sitting just inside the shadow. I climbed up and found a place to sit where I could watch the corner for trouble and count my remaining bullets.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dream 03-03-16

I'm not sure where I was. The building kept changing. It seemed part hospital, part warehouse, part pet store. There was a huge storm outside and we couldn't leave. At one point there was a very loud alarm and Aaron had to leave to help hunt down some dangerous guy that was loose in the building. The alarm startled a bunch of the animals. I noticed there was a baby kangaroo thrown into a case with some small bunnies. Who could be so careless? I scrambled to find some food and a bottle for it. I had a really hard time and kept knocking things over. The food was in a kind of syringe that was supposed to snap into the bottle. I don't think I made it back before waking up.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dream 03-02-16

A lot happened that I don't remember. I was in an unfamiliar place, but the people seemed familiar. We were in a house. The one thing I remember very clearly is that my teeth started to feel really weird. I touched one and my two front top teeth feel right out. They were huge. I tried to put them back in, but they wouldn't attach. A woman told me "it happens" and gave me the number to a guy I could see right away to fix me.