These are my dreams. Not my "one day I'll win the lottery" dreams. My "this is what I dreamt while I was asleep" dreams. Feel free to read the first post to discover what set me on my path to dreamworking. I finally have all of the old dreams from my notebooks and blog all compiled here so it is as complete as it can be. Enjoy. (spaces indicate paragraph breaks, the snazzy divider indicates different dreams in the same day)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Dream 01-30-12
I think that’s twice now I’ve dreamt of dragons flying over this stretch of road by a Wal-Mart. This time, at least, I was able to get my camera out and snapped about five or six pictures. I don’t know if any of them came out, but I tried. There was also some stuff in what I think was an abandoned building. It was kind of weird. I was playing a video game and then I was talking to Aaron. There was trash and stuff everywhere and a broken elevator. I remember this weird tree with really gummy sap we used as kind of a bungee to climb upstairs. There was a store and I wanted to try on this purple outfit, but there were people watching. I could have turned invisible, but my clothes wouldn’t turn and people would still know. So I went to change in the broken elevator. Turns out it was really broken, it was just a door and a floor and only one wall of the shaft. There was a whole two-story pile of toys and trash leading up to the elevator from the other side.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Dream 01-26-12
I think I was in Germany (a very stylized, fairy tale looking Germany) with my parents and sisters. We went on a tour of some cabins and I took as many pictures as I could. After that we started hiking to the place we were going to stay. On the way we passed a bunch of really nice houses. I noticed two of my friends were staying in some of the houses (different ones, they didn’t know each other) and at first I was happy, until I saw where the five of us were going to be staying. In this drab box of a hostel. It was awful. Four of us were going to be sharing this futon thing and mom was going to be in this other room with the cats. I was very upset. Partly because of the place, partly because that room didn’t have a proper door and the cats kept escaping. Actually, for a while I was pretty sure they were being let out. I had to keep catching them and throwing them back in. Natalie was there, except she was kind of mean. Dad mentioned something about how we could stay in one of the nicer houses, but then there was something about how military guys wouldn’t be able to pay something with something…. It was in a pamphlet. I really didn’t want to put him out, but if we could do better I really wanted to. I kept collecting cats and throwing them in the room and next time I tried to find dad he was gone. I guess out trying to find a place. At the end I went into the cat room, but there was a problem. There were two cats that looked like Saleen. One, though, was very mean and attacking Icarus. I told it to get out, in my best authoritative voice. On it’s way it out started to transform, I’m not sure what it was transforming into, but I was scared. Still, I had to protect the cats and kept telling it to get out. Finally it did. Mom was talking to some people at the counter, something about problems she’s had with her “illness” and being confused and stuff. It was pretty embarrassing the things she was talking about, but I don’t remember why.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dream 01-25-12
Started off out in the country. I was driving down a long road. A few times. Well, enough that the same traffic was around. Twice this bus driver sped right up behind me and then somehow grabbed my arm to slingshot himself around me. It hurt. I think the second time there was a wreck and a bunch of people had to stop. I confronted the bus driver and explained what he did and how dangerous it was and that it wasn’t fair to the kids. So I took over his bus route. It was a small community so I knew where all of the kids lived. I drove onto the road and was going towards the houses when all of a sudden I wasn’t driving the bus anymore. One second I was driving the bus, the next I was driving a motorcycle. There was a family with about three kids all messing with one little girl’s backpack with their heads hanging dangerously into the road. I swerved a bit to avoid them and yelled at the lady to get her kids out of the damn road. Found out later that the little girl had her head run over by a UPS truck. That was only part of the problem, though. There was a detective wandering around trying to piece together what happened with the bus. I told him what happened, about the guy and the motorcycle. He seemed to be satisfied that I didn’t do anything. I was wandering around the neighborhood and ran into a boy from the bus. I talked to him a bit and he had the same memory that I did. One second he was on the bus, the next he was on a motorcycle. Unfortunately we never found out what was going on.
After that Aaron and I were at this girl’s house with a couple of other friends. We were spending the night and all upstairs in her bedroom. Aaron and I started having sex on the floor and a couple of other people paired off as well. Suddenly we heard a faint bell that was the signal that the girl’s mom had come home. What we didn’t know was that she was right outside the door. Aaron hid behind the door and I tried to cover up and pretend I was asleep. She talked to her mom for a bit then came in and said we all had to leave because she was going out. The house was very pink.
After that I ended up at this outdoor omelet bar. It was dark and the lines were moving slowly. By the time I got up to the register I had to wait for them to cook more eggs, I guess. No one was at the registers, but there were still plenty of people in line. I noticed there was some grass starting to catch on fire so I started stomping it out. I was wearing some pretty cool heeled boots. One of the fires got fairly big and was pretty bright. Finally I got all of the fires out, but woke up on my way back to the bar.
After that Aaron and I were at this girl’s house with a couple of other friends. We were spending the night and all upstairs in her bedroom. Aaron and I started having sex on the floor and a couple of other people paired off as well. Suddenly we heard a faint bell that was the signal that the girl’s mom had come home. What we didn’t know was that she was right outside the door. Aaron hid behind the door and I tried to cover up and pretend I was asleep. She talked to her mom for a bit then came in and said we all had to leave because she was going out. The house was very pink.
After that I ended up at this outdoor omelet bar. It was dark and the lines were moving slowly. By the time I got up to the register I had to wait for them to cook more eggs, I guess. No one was at the registers, but there were still plenty of people in line. I noticed there was some grass starting to catch on fire so I started stomping it out. I was wearing some pretty cool heeled boots. One of the fires got fairly big and was pretty bright. Finally I got all of the fires out, but woke up on my way back to the bar.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dream 01-24-12
Started out a little strange and confusing. My sisters and I were living together, again. At first, for some reason, Sandra and I were sharing a room and AJ had one to herself. Then Sandra decided to move the bunk-bed into AJ’s room to share with her and I got the other room all to myself. I had a couple of friends over; Brak was one of them. She was looking into this huge mirror. I came up behind her and put my arms around here, but then when I looked in the mirror there were two of me. This scared me so much I had to keep looking away until finally I just walked away from the mirror.
That feeling of unease followed me through the rest of the dream. I just couldn’t seem to figure out why there were two reflections of me. I tried going to an arcade, a friend’s house and even a bar. There was part where I was outside of a big, L-shaped, 2-story building talking to someone and this girl was up on the second story balcony. We called for her to join us and she was going to jump off so I sent the other person up to stop her.
That feeling of unease followed me through the rest of the dream. I just couldn’t seem to figure out why there were two reflections of me. I tried going to an arcade, a friend’s house and even a bar. There was part where I was outside of a big, L-shaped, 2-story building talking to someone and this girl was up on the second story balcony. We called for her to join us and she was going to jump off so I sent the other person up to stop her.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Dream 01-20-12
Aaron and I were “home”. It was a fairly big trailer, but the rooms were situated much different than this one. Our room was kind of in the middle. He had invited two guys over for a 4-way. The first guy showed up and we were sitting around talking. I was naked and we were playing with our phones and stuff. Then the second guy showed up, but he brought a friend so I got dressed again. We all just kind of hung out. At one point I went into the kitchen and there were so many desserts. I didn’t get to try any, though (even though I noticed them twice), because when I got to the kitchen I noticed something weird. Aside from the door being open, the whole wall next to it was billowing in and out with the breeze. We had to keep wrangling the cats. I was trying to find a way to get the wall to stay still (it was meshy, kind of like a screen door) because the breeze was really nice and I thought the cats would enjoy it if we could keep them from getting out. Unfortunately we only had a little duct tape. I ended up just having to close the door and somehow that anchored the wall.
I’m not sure what happened to the extra guy, but after the door was taken care of Aaron and I and the two guys went out driving. Aaron and I were in one car, guy #2 was in a car or truck and I think guy #3 was on a motorcycle. It was really dark and the roads were all country and deserted. Until we got to this big, kind of underground cement parking thing. There were four roads that came together and the parking place was on one of the corners. We converged and decided to head back. There were a couple of beat-up trucks that were coming down the other roads, turning and then turning around and it made us nervous. When we tried to turn around, though, (everyone was following me for some reason) we got turned around and sort of lost in the parking structure and I couldn’t remember which road exactly was the way back.
I’m not sure what happened to the extra guy, but after the door was taken care of Aaron and I and the two guys went out driving. Aaron and I were in one car, guy #2 was in a car or truck and I think guy #3 was on a motorcycle. It was really dark and the roads were all country and deserted. Until we got to this big, kind of underground cement parking thing. There were four roads that came together and the parking place was on one of the corners. We converged and decided to head back. There were a couple of beat-up trucks that were coming down the other roads, turning and then turning around and it made us nervous. When we tried to turn around, though, (everyone was following me for some reason) we got turned around and sort of lost in the parking structure and I couldn’t remember which road exactly was the way back.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Dream 01-19-12
I owned a house. It seemed really big, but not quite big enough for what we needed. I had a plan, sort of. We had two kids, I think. One was a boy who was about 8. We had the house partitioned off for this game show he was going to compete in. He had to do something with the dining area of our house and it was going to be on TV. If he succeeded then we’d win enough money to redo the kitchen and move things around a bit so they made more sense. I was wandering around off-set, trying not to distract him. I ran into Jason. I tried to get him off to the side so I could talk to him about something, but every time we were finally alone more people would show up. In parts of my house they had no business being in. They were his friends and I tried to get him to get rid of them. One guy was being particularly loud and I had to keep shushing him. Finally I grabbed him by the shirt collar and told him that if he fucked this up for me I would destroy him and threw him to the ground. I went back into my bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Out of nowhere Lil came and jumped on me. I was confused and a little angry and I had to keep shushing her, too.
There was another part with an almost bird’s eye view of the neighborhood. There was something going on out there that made it a very dangerous place to be. I think there was a big evil…. Almost tent around parts of it.
There was another part with an almost bird’s eye view of the neighborhood. There was something going on out there that made it a very dangerous place to be. I think there was a big evil…. Almost tent around parts of it.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dream 01-18-12
Brak and I were out in a big city. I’m not sure if we were wandering or shopping. We had Jet with us. I know we were about to take a trip and first we had to find a place to eat and a bathroom. We tried to find food first, but the first big building we went into only had a pizza place. We went up five flights of stairs and found a bathroom. She went in first and then I had to go. At least, I think I did. I found a big mirror and started to strip. I think so I could get a picture of myself. Suddenly this tall, dark haired woman appeared behind me. I got embarrassed and went into one of the stalls. When I came out she was gone. I went to the sink to wash my hands and she appeared behind me again. I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn’t say anything so I left the bathroom. Except I ended up going out a back door. Jet followed me and then took off. I ran after her calling her name. Finally I caught up to her and we had to circle around the whole building to get back to Brak. (I don’t know how we got outside on the ground when we went upstairs for the bathroom). She was still standing by the bathroom doors. That was when I realized we had both gone into the wrong bathroom. Neither of us noticed the signs reading “Mädchen” and “Jungen”, or the other door.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Dream 01-17-12
Everybody kept showing up and leaving so quickly it was hard to figure out who I was hanging out with at any given time. I know Aaron, Mook and Jack where there. So was another set of guys that were their friends, but I don’t remember ever seeing before; and so was another set of guys that were disturbing to me from the start. Aaron and I would keep visiting Jack. He lived in this apartment that was inside this huge converted house. You went in the front door and there were 4 doors, two together. You take the left of the together doors and go up a flight of stairs. At the top you take a right through another door and then up another flight of stairs to the right and then through another door. At least, that’s the last way I remember getting there. I think if may have gotten more complicated as the dream went on.
It started out with the 5 or 6 of us just hanging out, normal. We went to a lake and make a video that was, like, a commemoration of somebody moving? Maybe Aaron and me. I started out in our lake and then was supposed to end up in another lake (we were going to use the computer to splice the videos together on the computer), but by the time we got there it was dark and Aaron wasn’t sure it was safe to swim in. Then we were all hanging out again. I kept clutching a book or something. I heard my phone go off, but it wasn’t the normal ring. I was expecting someone to leave a message that that was their new number, but instead it was mom. She called to let me know that “my” cat had “given birth” but one of the kittens was severely premature and one was this half-formed mess of sort-of-cat and watery goop, in addition to the rest of the watery goop that would have been the rest of the kittens. She kept sending pictures of drawings of this to my phone and each one was more elaborate. Like she was working on it and sending the revised picture.
I tried to get away from that and everyone sort of migrated upstairs for a while. I feel like this time we only went halfway up that what I described. Then Jack wanted to take us to this “thing” that was on the bottom floor of the house. We went downstairs and there was another white door. He went through and Aaron and I were about to follow, but then I noticed it was this overly complicated spook house-maze that I didn’t want to go through again. (I’m not sure if I’ve dreamt it before, but in the dream I remembered it) I backed up and went outside and sat on the porch. Mook and one of the other guys where there and we sat with them waiting for Jack to come back. He moved through so fast we didn’t get a chance to tell him we weren’t doing it.
The next part is a bit fuzzy. I remember ending up in another top floor apartment at the other end of the building. I remember being very distraught about something, but I wasn’t sure quite what. I just knew I had to get out of there. Those two disturbing guys where looking at me and there was a dead naked guy in front of me. As I went towards the door I heard someone explaining to someone else that “we were never here” and “it was just a cock-in”. I think he meant “break-in” but he said “cock-in” three or four times. And the guy he was talking to, who I saw first, said “yes, a cock-in”. I came around the corner and it was like a movie. I saw all dark and then the person turned around and it was Jack and he sort of looked right through me. I went past him and down stairs and then all the way up that complicated stairways to Jack’s place (why? I don’t know) and there was a girl there who started talking to me about body paint and how working somewhere had turned her into kind of a brash slut. I just wanted to lay down on the couch in the dark. Then the two friend guys I didn’t know where watching a video….
It was a video of some chicks naked lower half and some guy banging away on her and then the guy gets shot dead while he’s fucking her. I had the realization that the chick was me and I was dead, too. That my corpse, in fact, had been set up for the murder because the guy was a necrophiliac. I felt, like, a “force” of realization, physically, and it woke me up.
It started out with the 5 or 6 of us just hanging out, normal. We went to a lake and make a video that was, like, a commemoration of somebody moving? Maybe Aaron and me. I started out in our lake and then was supposed to end up in another lake (we were going to use the computer to splice the videos together on the computer), but by the time we got there it was dark and Aaron wasn’t sure it was safe to swim in. Then we were all hanging out again. I kept clutching a book or something. I heard my phone go off, but it wasn’t the normal ring. I was expecting someone to leave a message that that was their new number, but instead it was mom. She called to let me know that “my” cat had “given birth” but one of the kittens was severely premature and one was this half-formed mess of sort-of-cat and watery goop, in addition to the rest of the watery goop that would have been the rest of the kittens. She kept sending pictures of drawings of this to my phone and each one was more elaborate. Like she was working on it and sending the revised picture.
I tried to get away from that and everyone sort of migrated upstairs for a while. I feel like this time we only went halfway up that what I described. Then Jack wanted to take us to this “thing” that was on the bottom floor of the house. We went downstairs and there was another white door. He went through and Aaron and I were about to follow, but then I noticed it was this overly complicated spook house-maze that I didn’t want to go through again. (I’m not sure if I’ve dreamt it before, but in the dream I remembered it) I backed up and went outside and sat on the porch. Mook and one of the other guys where there and we sat with them waiting for Jack to come back. He moved through so fast we didn’t get a chance to tell him we weren’t doing it.
The next part is a bit fuzzy. I remember ending up in another top floor apartment at the other end of the building. I remember being very distraught about something, but I wasn’t sure quite what. I just knew I had to get out of there. Those two disturbing guys where looking at me and there was a dead naked guy in front of me. As I went towards the door I heard someone explaining to someone else that “we were never here” and “it was just a cock-in”. I think he meant “break-in” but he said “cock-in” three or four times. And the guy he was talking to, who I saw first, said “yes, a cock-in”. I came around the corner and it was like a movie. I saw all dark and then the person turned around and it was Jack and he sort of looked right through me. I went past him and down stairs and then all the way up that complicated stairways to Jack’s place (why? I don’t know) and there was a girl there who started talking to me about body paint and how working somewhere had turned her into kind of a brash slut. I just wanted to lay down on the couch in the dark. Then the two friend guys I didn’t know where watching a video….
It was a video of some chicks naked lower half and some guy banging away on her and then the guy gets shot dead while he’s fucking her. I had the realization that the chick was me and I was dead, too. That my corpse, in fact, had been set up for the murder because the guy was a necrophiliac. I felt, like, a “force” of realization, physically, and it woke me up.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dream 01-16-12
I was with Brak at some kind of community center. We had taken a standardized test and were waiting to get the results. My parents were there, as were the parents or grandparents of some of the other people. I have no idea what the test was about or why it was such a big deal. We were all sort of hanging around. Some sitting at tables, others standing around talking. They had a tv going and an old lady at the table next to us was asking me about the show. Shawn from Psych had a new show by himself and he was dressed like a cowboy sorta. The lady was asking me if he was the guy from Psych. Then another guy at the table was asking me other stuff about the show since he had only seen a couple of episodes.
Finally a girl came in with a box that had the test results. The girl asked me if I wanted two copies and I said “yes”. I got an 88. I think Brak got a 92 or 94. A bunch of people got other stuff for participating. I got this little pink… thing. It looked like a kid’s computer and opened up into a toy house. Very strange. I think this is where I lost track of Brak. My dad was asking me some questions, some having to do with this remote control he was holding; so was someone else’s dad. All of a sudden everyone was asking me to help them with stuff and mom wanted help grabbing her stuff to put it in the van. As usual she had a ton of stuff. A lot of it was candy.
By the time the place started really clearing out and we were by the van I realized I had lost my pink thing. I had to find it because my test results were in it. So dad starts helping me go through the boxes in the dumpster. He finds one with my name on it, but it’s not the right one. It’s in a bigger box. I grab a trashcan on wheels and sort of ride it up(hill, there was a driveway or something) to the building. I find another box near the top, but I don’t think it’s in there either.
Finally a girl came in with a box that had the test results. The girl asked me if I wanted two copies and I said “yes”. I got an 88. I think Brak got a 92 or 94. A bunch of people got other stuff for participating. I got this little pink… thing. It looked like a kid’s computer and opened up into a toy house. Very strange. I think this is where I lost track of Brak. My dad was asking me some questions, some having to do with this remote control he was holding; so was someone else’s dad. All of a sudden everyone was asking me to help them with stuff and mom wanted help grabbing her stuff to put it in the van. As usual she had a ton of stuff. A lot of it was candy.
By the time the place started really clearing out and we were by the van I realized I had lost my pink thing. I had to find it because my test results were in it. So dad starts helping me go through the boxes in the dumpster. He finds one with my name on it, but it’s not the right one. It’s in a bigger box. I grab a trashcan on wheels and sort of ride it up(hill, there was a driveway or something) to the building. I find another box near the top, but I don’t think it’s in there either.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Dream 01-15-12
I was with a group of friends. We had a truckload of stuff we were carting into some restaurant. Some was Lego displays, some table flags, and some heavier stuff like a filing cabinet. After moving about half the stuff we took a break and went into this other store. They had moved their stock around and I couldn’t find the incense. Finally I did somewhere behind the counter. The sticks were humungous. I don’t think I ended up getting any because they were so big. It was getting late and darker and we were walking towards “home”. One guy was so tired he fell asleep right in the gutter and I carried him into the house. We got some more stuff to the restaurant, but they had changed their layout as well and things became a little confusing. A couple of us were walking from the restaurant back “home” and ran into a slight problem. Apparently there was a guy in a rabbit suit who was big trouble. If he saw you, he’d kill you. He was only supposed to pop up randomly from time to time. So we ducked onto someone’s porch for a minute for him to go away, but he kept showing up. Every time he did, we’d hide. I think he showed up three or four times, and we never made it back “home”.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Dream 01-12-12
I started at a house. I think it was supposed to be my grandparent’s house, but it was very different. Sandra, at least, was there and I think Annalisa, too. Somehow we ended up at this sort of campground that I feel like I was just at in a dream recently. There’s a dirt path and a public pool for free water. There was a crudely built wooden building which was intended to accommodate all of the people. Some of them I knew, some I didn’t. There were a lot of children. Some of whom were doing homework. It got dark and one guy went out to scare off wild animals. There was a nice dog wandering around. I tried to find appropriate spots to build fires and put one kid in charge of filling up water buckets. I think John was there and he was drunk. It was all a bit confusing and mushed together. Someone tried to build a fire under one of the beds. The frame of the bed was a metal slab, so I moved the bedding just in case someone tried to light it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dream 01-10-12
I know it was a pretty long one, but I don’t remember much. The first thing I remember is a minivan packed up like we used to pack for our summer trips. Full up and stacked on top. It was laying on it’s side and someone else and I were trying to keep at least some of the stuff together. I think it was Annalisa trying to take a trip to show off and the other person and I noticed there were quite a few things tied to the top of the van that didn’t belong to her so we had to start going through it.
The next thing I was in a bathroom. It was small and there were three shopping carts in there. I pushed the carts together to make more room for myself and new ones kept showing up. Some out of thin air, some pushed in by (a different) someone else. By the time I started waking up I had a row of about 13 shopping carts going out the door. I was getting pretty good at figuring out how to push the line of them and getting them to go where I wanted them to without running the lead cart into walls.
The next thing I was in a bathroom. It was small and there were three shopping carts in there. I pushed the carts together to make more room for myself and new ones kept showing up. Some out of thin air, some pushed in by (a different) someone else. By the time I started waking up I had a row of about 13 shopping carts going out the door. I was getting pretty good at figuring out how to push the line of them and getting them to go where I wanted them to without running the lead cart into walls.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Dream 01-09-12
Was driving a bus of people into this camping area. I got lucky and the highway turnoff was not terribly congested. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying too much attention as I pulled into the woods and ran over a torso. There were a couple of other body parts littered across the road. The cops didn’t stop me, but they were combing the area for more parts and, I assume, whoever was responsible. That was kind of a worry through the whole dream. I spent time in three different areas. The first was a flimsy, fake cabin. There were three of us there. It was dark and we were worried. I told them we were going to stay with some other friends that were in a more proper house. We got there, though, and realized that the doors didn’t fully close. So we all worked doing the best we could to lock up. A girl and I were watching a construction crew working below us (we were on the second floor looking out of the window). I think we knew a couple of the guys down there. The area was lit with some yellowish spotlights, but then suddenly everything started glowing bright blue. A huge black plane flew over. It looked very odd, especially the bright BRIGHT blue lights on the tail end. I thought it was a UFO and she said it was a common mistake. Then a couple more people showed up and they all threw me a birthday party. I had a larger-than-necessary plastic, Hello Kitty cowboy party hat and someone had brought a Hello Kitty cake. I was given a slice before everybody started singing.
After that I ended up in a bathroom stall where some little Asian girls thought I was a ghost. I wasn’t, though. I was just hiding from some other girls that were making fun of me.
Either before that or after that part (I’m not entirely sure anymore) I was in another house. Brak was there. At one point I knew I was dreaming because there was a big cat sitting at the table like a person. Not sitting like a cat, sitting like a person. I said “I’m dreaming” and tried to take control. It only partly worked. I tried to get physical with Brak, but she was unwell. I stopped because I didn’t want to hurt her.
Lastly I ended up walking down a street (or trail, I’m not sure if we were still in the woods or not) with Aaron. We found a vending machine. It had a special new kind of cherry Pepsi that was supposed to be wetter and more refreshing. As soon as I put my dollar in the machine my alarm went off.
After that I ended up in a bathroom stall where some little Asian girls thought I was a ghost. I wasn’t, though. I was just hiding from some other girls that were making fun of me.
Either before that or after that part (I’m not entirely sure anymore) I was in another house. Brak was there. At one point I knew I was dreaming because there was a big cat sitting at the table like a person. Not sitting like a cat, sitting like a person. I said “I’m dreaming” and tried to take control. It only partly worked. I tried to get physical with Brak, but she was unwell. I stopped because I didn’t want to hurt her.
Lastly I ended up walking down a street (or trail, I’m not sure if we were still in the woods or not) with Aaron. We found a vending machine. It had a special new kind of cherry Pepsi that was supposed to be wetter and more refreshing. As soon as I put my dollar in the machine my alarm went off.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Dream 01-07-12
I think I started on some kind of cruise ship. I think it was a big group trip, like a field trip or something. We hadn’t departed yet so I was walking along the railing just looking at the water for a bit while the rest of the people were getting on board. Clint came up and we started talking for a bit. He mentioned needing or forgetting something and since we had time (I assumed) I offered to drive him out to get it. We were making our way through the Carrollton neighborhood (or near it) when he said it was further out. I started driving faster. I thought we were going to Wal-mart maybe, but we ended up at some kind of shack out in the boonies. There was an ill-tempered older lady and a younger lady. I think I took my shoes off because of all of the mud, because I remember putting my shoes back on when he came back out of the house. I think we got in the car, but I don’t think we made it back to the cruise ship.
The next thing I remember is standing outside of Ahtram and Melissa’s place. They were living with another couple and two little kids, boys, and it was really late at night. I snuck in. I’m not sure why. The house was almost like a maze with doors and halls everywhere. I made it back towards their bedroom where Melissa was sleeping. She woke up and saw me and I made the “sssshhhhhh” sign. She smiled and nodded before going to the bathroom. We sat on one of the kid’s beds to talk for a bit when Ahtram came in and I made the “sssshhhhhh” sign again. He nodded and sat on the floor next to us. Then while we were in the middle of the conversation (I don’t know what we were talking about) the lady of the couple came in. I didn’t have time to hide, but she didn’t quite freak out the way I expected her to. Before even meeting her I didn’t really like her, but then I saw her and liked her even less. It wasn’t because of the way she looked, just this energy she had around her. She was putting one of the boys to bed and then just invited herself into the conversation. I was about to leave because I did not want to talk to her. Last thing I remember is looking at my socks. I guess I had taken my shoes off again.
The next thing I remember is standing outside of Ahtram and Melissa’s place. They were living with another couple and two little kids, boys, and it was really late at night. I snuck in. I’m not sure why. The house was almost like a maze with doors and halls everywhere. I made it back towards their bedroom where Melissa was sleeping. She woke up and saw me and I made the “sssshhhhhh” sign. She smiled and nodded before going to the bathroom. We sat on one of the kid’s beds to talk for a bit when Ahtram came in and I made the “sssshhhhhh” sign again. He nodded and sat on the floor next to us. Then while we were in the middle of the conversation (I don’t know what we were talking about) the lady of the couple came in. I didn’t have time to hide, but she didn’t quite freak out the way I expected her to. Before even meeting her I didn’t really like her, but then I saw her and liked her even less. It wasn’t because of the way she looked, just this energy she had around her. She was putting one of the boys to bed and then just invited herself into the conversation. I was about to leave because I did not want to talk to her. Last thing I remember is looking at my socks. I guess I had taken my shoes off again.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Dream 01-06-12
Started out at some kind of service kiosk. Dad was standing there with me for a while before he left. I was dropping a car off to get something fixed. It was a slow day so the lady was able to fit me in immediately. She started saying something about natural disasters and so I chatted with her for a bit. There were some teenagers. in the line. There was something off about them, but I didn’t think they were dangerous. Just…. off. I headed down the street. I think Sandra lived next door to us. To me, at least. I’m not sure who all lived where exactly. But Sandra was setting up for some party. I think it may have been her birthday. Even so she was kind of young to be living on her own. Anyway, there was a fish tank outside and two huge metal drums in the driveway. They were actually metal drum casings, inside were multiple different xylophone bars arranged in sets. I grabbed a drum stick and started trying to hit the bars, but it sounded so bad. I gripped the stick differently and that sounded a little better, but I couldn’t keep hold of it. Then Paul showed up and started laughing. I explained that’s why I never played, because I couldn’t keep a grip so it never sounded right. I was a little wistful because I was sure if Eleanor was there she could have made them sound fantastic.
I left for a while, I’m pretty sure I ran into the teenagers again, but I don’t think anything came of it. I went back to the kiosk, but they were very busy this time and the lady didn’t have a chance to get to me. Sandra showed up saying she was sorry I missed the party, but she had a cup with some fish in it for me. The prizes that didn’t get won. I went back towards home and the drums were still set up. Paul was playing one of them and I was suitably impressed. I had forgotten he was in band, too. He was setting up some background rhythms with an electronic keypad attached to the drum. I sat and watched for a while then went inside so I could find a baggie for the fish so I could start acclimating them to my tank. This ended up being difficult. There was some side-project going on, but I can’t remember what it was. I think I was going to take a trip. There were also a couple of cats that kept following me around and getting in the way. One of them was really fat. Or perhaps dense? She had a certain kind of presence.
I left for a while, I’m pretty sure I ran into the teenagers again, but I don’t think anything came of it. I went back to the kiosk, but they were very busy this time and the lady didn’t have a chance to get to me. Sandra showed up saying she was sorry I missed the party, but she had a cup with some fish in it for me. The prizes that didn’t get won. I went back towards home and the drums were still set up. Paul was playing one of them and I was suitably impressed. I had forgotten he was in band, too. He was setting up some background rhythms with an electronic keypad attached to the drum. I sat and watched for a while then went inside so I could find a baggie for the fish so I could start acclimating them to my tank. This ended up being difficult. There was some side-project going on, but I can’t remember what it was. I think I was going to take a trip. There were also a couple of cats that kept following me around and getting in the way. One of them was really fat. Or perhaps dense? She had a certain kind of presence.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Dream 01-05-12
I was at an old house for some kind of flea market or garage sale. I had been there in a dream before, no problem. And I’m pretty sure last time we went through the house in groups as well. This time I didn’t find much except for some eye shadow that was really candy. I talked to a couple of people. Ahtram was there and he was complaining saying someone else (someone specific) should have been there instead and I told him I had just seen that person (I forget who) there yesterday. I also talked to a lady who was a contestant on one of those cooking challenge shows. She was pretty nice. Anyway, after the buying tour I stayed after to wait for some friends who were still going through. The seats we were waiting in (those of us who were) were church seats. There were people worshipping in part of the building and apparently the “shopping” group got too loud and was kicked out. I was about to leave with the rest, but I noticed a blind man (about my age, maybe younger because I may have been younger in the dream; and not too bad looking) trying to go through the shopping tour. Because the building was so crowded with stuff and there were stairs and walls everywhere he was having a hard time, but nobody else noticed. So I helped him out and even carried him part of the way when he (jokingly) said something about how hard the stairs were. Which part of them were, they were practically a ladder they were so steep. By the time we made it through (he didn’t buy anything either) I think he was going to ask me out or something, but then I woke up.

Aaron and I had a little cubby in our home with several computer terminals and beds and little swivel stools on the floor. We had the computers set up to look at all kinds of different stuff. Including porn. A couple of people passed through, mostly in the bathroom where I’m pretty sure I saw dad, but the only one that ended up staying for a while was Josh. I think he was about to jump on me when suddenly he said “goddamnit Merle!” and ran out of the house. I was a bit confused and followed him. Turns out he had some kind of big truck (not a semi, but close) and Merle (from Walking Dead) was his cousin or something and was sitting in the truck waiting for him. They exchanged words and the truck started moving so I tried to move this red convertible that was in the driveway out of the way. I got it moving up the driveway but then it started rolling back down again. Someone (I don’t know who) started pushing it back up. I pulled what I thought was the emergency brake, but that didn’t do anything.
Aaron and I had a little cubby in our home with several computer terminals and beds and little swivel stools on the floor. We had the computers set up to look at all kinds of different stuff. Including porn. A couple of people passed through, mostly in the bathroom where I’m pretty sure I saw dad, but the only one that ended up staying for a while was Josh. I think he was about to jump on me when suddenly he said “goddamnit Merle!” and ran out of the house. I was a bit confused and followed him. Turns out he had some kind of big truck (not a semi, but close) and Merle (from Walking Dead) was his cousin or something and was sitting in the truck waiting for him. They exchanged words and the truck started moving so I tried to move this red convertible that was in the driveway out of the way. I got it moving up the driveway but then it started rolling back down again. Someone (I don’t know who) started pushing it back up. I pulled what I thought was the emergency brake, but that didn’t do anything.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Dream 01-04-12
At one point I remember being at a gas station. I was getting gas. The inside was L-shaped and the guy running the place had three different cash registers going for different purchases. One for gas, one for food and one for other stuff.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Dream 01-03-12
I think at some point it was my birthday? There was some kind of philanthropic Hindu or Buddhist monk who was obsessed with weddings and was working on mine. I heard a rumor that if I fell asleep while he was working on something he’d do it all for free. I think Saleen may have been there. I know there was a lot more, but I can’t remember now.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Dream 01-02-12
I think I was in another video game. I was driving around very erratically and talking to someone trying to get information about the map. There was a warehouse and I was hiding under the stairs. The “enemies” walking over me to get into the building so I was trying to stay hidden. I had kind of a HUD and I could see their red dots on it. I was texting somebody (possibly the same map person) and making a joke about Jet being “one of them” or something. They were actual words on the screen that I could read. I even remember backspacing a couple of times and fixing what I said so it would make more sense.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Dream 01-01-12
There were cats and small dogs milling around through most of it. Started out in this small town where Aaron and I had this barn. Barry was down to visit and I went up into the hayloft to show him, but there were wasps and hornets everywhere. I managed to outmaneuver them while Aaron started spraying and killing them. There was a part where mom was there and she wanted me to pick up a few things. I was looking at this giant wall of plastic jewelry but didn’t end up getting anything. There was a guy who needed a ride to the T-Mobile building to trade in his phone and the creepy guy from the McDonald’s in Wal-Mart was working there. I got bored waiting (since I didn’t know where the Sears in this town was and mom wanted a sales paper from there) so I went inside with a tray of cheesecake squares and started giving them to people. That was kind of the weird part at the end. From outside it didn’t look like anybody was in there, but when I went in there was a lady with some kids and a couple and another guy.
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