I was at a school. The building kind of reminded me of Ellison, only the walls were taller, the place was a lot bigger and it seemed almost like a maze at times. I was wandering around looking for somebody. There were strange arcade games all over the place where you were supposed to be able to win stuff. A couple were broken. All of the rest had people playing them already. There were people everywhere. Even on the stairs and I had to try and walk around and over them. I never found who I was looking for. At one point I even looked out a window or glass door out onto the field and there were so many people out there. I ran into Jack a couple of times, but he didn’t really say anything to me.
Then things got a little worrisome. It got dark and everybody was trying to get back home. A bunch of us lived in the building. There was a group of about 5 of us that got stopped in this hallway. We were milling around while they took the first person into this room and started interrogating her. They dumped everything out of her bag and when through it. Someone gave me a stroller that folded up like an umbrella and a flatiron which I was trying to hang onto without dropping. By the time they got to me they seemed very frazzled and disorganized and the line (mass) of people had grown significantly. I couldn’t find the stroller and flatiron I had just been holding, but I thought that was ok. A skinny guy told me to sit down in chair and he started to ask me about something having to do with fairness. “Do you think it’s fair that-” and then he turned around to talk to the lady seated behind him and they took each other’s pictures. When he turned back to me he took a picture of himself. I was very agitated by this point and stood up and told them I didn’t think it was fair we were all being interrogated. That it was late and hot in the hallway and everybody was miserable and just wanted to go home. That whatever it was they were trying to accomplish was failing miserably and their disorganization was just making things worse. I don’t know if they agreed or just weren’t aware enough to realize what I was saying, but they didn’t try to stop me when I left. Eva was waiting out in the hall and asked me what was going on. I told her I had no idea, but that I was going home and she should, too. We bolted down a hall and through some double-doors. She took a left and I kept going straight. We were walking pretty quickly and I soon realized someone was chasing me. I don’t think it was anybody from the room. I ran down the hall and outside into a courtyard filled with buses. Most of the buses were filled with toys. I was looking for bus #303, but couldn’t find it. The numbered lines went from 400s down to 100s. Soon I wound up in an open area with no cover and turns to face the person following me. He asked me something about where I was going or what I was doing, but then I woke up.
These are my dreams. Not my "one day I'll win the lottery" dreams. My "this is what I dreamt while I was asleep" dreams. Feel free to read the first post to discover what set me on my path to dreamworking. I finally have all of the old dreams from my notebooks and blog all compiled here so it is as complete as it can be. Enjoy. (spaces indicate paragraph breaks, the snazzy divider indicates different dreams in the same day)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Dream 12-29-11
The first part was a little weird. Took place in this cramped, tiered, dark neighborhood. I was riding around on a bike trying to uncover these invisible dragons hidden along the streets. There was some way I could tell they were there. Some sparkle or other creature. Then somehow I could summon the dragon to appear. Then I was supposed to shoot it with some kind of fire gun, but I didn’t have it! I had four lighters and tried to use those (all at once) and it worked, but only barely. I think I found my bag of guns and took care of the last few dragons.
Then I ended up in a place that looked a lot like Killeen. Except I was at Matt Damon’s house with two of my “friends”. (They were very mean to me) He lived in a fairly big trailer with hardwood floors that rotated in some rooms. This made it hard to get around. We started in his bedroom (which was very nice and had a huge white bed) and the bathroom (with one of those rotating floors in the middle) before going outside to show us the pool. It was dark and rainy and there were zombies around the outside of the fence. He didn’t seem too worried. Just called a guy on his cell phone and told us we couldn’t stay. I was a little worried, but went in and started organizing my bags. One of my friends said something about how if I was going to travel with them and leaving my crap. I got everything (some Hello Kitty stuff, a small but heavy hammer and a gun with no ammo) into one bag and jumped into the back seat of the car.
We ended up outside of some store with Matt Damon in the car with us. He mentioned again that we couldn’t stay with him and got out. The guys said something else mean, but just sat there. I noticed a car on the road (looked like Ft. Hood Rd.) in a convertible. He had kind of spiky blonde hair and seemed to be gesturing for me.
I grabbed my bag and ran for the guy. I got in the front seat and he sped off heading north. The rain was getting worse and it was knocking down power lines and flinging all kinds of stuff (even a few cows) through the air. As he drove, ramming into zombies in the road, I held my hands up and tried like hell to clear out the storm clouds. It didn’t work. I mentioned my no ammo problem and he said not to worry, we were going to a place. He passed the gun shop that’s up the road and took a right turn further down.
We ended up at this 2-story dilapidated convenience store and went upstairs. He instructed me to cover stuff in this flammable oil as I searched. I grabbed some (it came in almost like a Capri sun pouch) and splashed some here and there; afraid I’d misheard. The first room didn’t have anything of interest. Down the hall I found what looked like a bag the store’s owner had packed. It was full of guns but they were all really shoddy, like they were made of tin. Even so I did find some clips (about 6 or 10) that fit my gun. I put one in and tried to fire it. Nothing happened. I looked closely at it and there was a switch. It was pointed to a word like “aqatitate” or something like that. The other option was “done” so I figured the other word meant “fire”. After examining my gun I realized the guy had started to set fire to the place behind me and I got the impression he was talking to his dead father. I fiddled with the switch a bit and it still wouldn’t fire. I put the gun (and a couple more Hello Kitty things that I couldn’t stand to let burn) in my bag anyway, figuring I’d work on it more on the road. We were about to head back out to the car when I noticed some music playing in the distance and woke up. Turns out the music was from Aaron leaving the Bioshock title screen playing.

I was living in some kind of dorm. Actually, I think the whole building was fairly huge. There were people of all ages, even kids, and classrooms to teach them. That may have been part of the problem because there was a pedophile on the loose. I don’t think I was going after him, I was just aware that he was out there. And I’m not sure why I ended up naked, but I was. In the dorm area, anyway. I got into an elevator and there was a refrigerator in there with a picture of some sleazy guy posted up on there. He had been for a while and I was sick of looking at him so I tore up the picture and dropped the pieces behind the fridge. When I got out into the school area somehow I managed to find myself a coat. It was like a trench coat, beige, only it was short and barely covered my ass. Which one of the teachers mentioned while discussing the dress code with another teacher. In a lobby area I ended up running into a guy I knew and I had him help me with the escalator because I was suddenly wearing stripper shoes instead of walking around in my bare feet. He did, and while we were walking through the lower lobby he pointed out his mother who I mentioned to him was very pretty. He said something about how she was wearing his pants because they had the same ass and it let him know how they looked on him. We walked around the outside of this central office area (around the outside of it, while we were still in the lobby) and then suddenly I ended up in bed with him. Just laying there, not doing anything.
Then I ended up in a place that looked a lot like Killeen. Except I was at Matt Damon’s house with two of my “friends”. (They were very mean to me) He lived in a fairly big trailer with hardwood floors that rotated in some rooms. This made it hard to get around. We started in his bedroom (which was very nice and had a huge white bed) and the bathroom (with one of those rotating floors in the middle) before going outside to show us the pool. It was dark and rainy and there were zombies around the outside of the fence. He didn’t seem too worried. Just called a guy on his cell phone and told us we couldn’t stay. I was a little worried, but went in and started organizing my bags. One of my friends said something about how if I was going to travel with them and leaving my crap. I got everything (some Hello Kitty stuff, a small but heavy hammer and a gun with no ammo) into one bag and jumped into the back seat of the car.
We ended up outside of some store with Matt Damon in the car with us. He mentioned again that we couldn’t stay with him and got out. The guys said something else mean, but just sat there. I noticed a car on the road (looked like Ft. Hood Rd.) in a convertible. He had kind of spiky blonde hair and seemed to be gesturing for me.
I grabbed my bag and ran for the guy. I got in the front seat and he sped off heading north. The rain was getting worse and it was knocking down power lines and flinging all kinds of stuff (even a few cows) through the air. As he drove, ramming into zombies in the road, I held my hands up and tried like hell to clear out the storm clouds. It didn’t work. I mentioned my no ammo problem and he said not to worry, we were going to a place. He passed the gun shop that’s up the road and took a right turn further down.
We ended up at this 2-story dilapidated convenience store and went upstairs. He instructed me to cover stuff in this flammable oil as I searched. I grabbed some (it came in almost like a Capri sun pouch) and splashed some here and there; afraid I’d misheard. The first room didn’t have anything of interest. Down the hall I found what looked like a bag the store’s owner had packed. It was full of guns but they were all really shoddy, like they were made of tin. Even so I did find some clips (about 6 or 10) that fit my gun. I put one in and tried to fire it. Nothing happened. I looked closely at it and there was a switch. It was pointed to a word like “aqatitate” or something like that. The other option was “done” so I figured the other word meant “fire”. After examining my gun I realized the guy had started to set fire to the place behind me and I got the impression he was talking to his dead father. I fiddled with the switch a bit and it still wouldn’t fire. I put the gun (and a couple more Hello Kitty things that I couldn’t stand to let burn) in my bag anyway, figuring I’d work on it more on the road. We were about to head back out to the car when I noticed some music playing in the distance and woke up. Turns out the music was from Aaron leaving the Bioshock title screen playing.
I was living in some kind of dorm. Actually, I think the whole building was fairly huge. There were people of all ages, even kids, and classrooms to teach them. That may have been part of the problem because there was a pedophile on the loose. I don’t think I was going after him, I was just aware that he was out there. And I’m not sure why I ended up naked, but I was. In the dorm area, anyway. I got into an elevator and there was a refrigerator in there with a picture of some sleazy guy posted up on there. He had been for a while and I was sick of looking at him so I tore up the picture and dropped the pieces behind the fridge. When I got out into the school area somehow I managed to find myself a coat. It was like a trench coat, beige, only it was short and barely covered my ass. Which one of the teachers mentioned while discussing the dress code with another teacher. In a lobby area I ended up running into a guy I knew and I had him help me with the escalator because I was suddenly wearing stripper shoes instead of walking around in my bare feet. He did, and while we were walking through the lower lobby he pointed out his mother who I mentioned to him was very pretty. He said something about how she was wearing his pants because they had the same ass and it let him know how they looked on him. We walked around the outside of this central office area (around the outside of it, while we were still in the lobby) and then suddenly I ended up in bed with him. Just laying there, not doing anything.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Dream 12-28-11
Aaron and I kept ending up at some other people’s houses. I don’t really remember the first one, except that things were somewhat uneven? Like, having to use a ladder to get from one part to the other. The second one I think was supposed to be Tim & Faith’s. We saw him for a few moments, but then I realized the house was overrun with cats. I went to the bathroom and the whole floor was covered in kitty litter and poop. I think I was trying to clean some of it up when Aaron wanted to go. The last house was supposed to be Jack’s, I think. The road kind of turned the same and it had sort of the same shape, but it was a sort of open, brick house. I pulled up and parked in the street, because someone was coming up behind me. They pushed their fancy sports car into the driveway and it kind of slid in sideways. I looked up into the sky and noticed a funnel cloud forming rather quickly. I got scared and headed for the house. I wanted to pull the car into the driveway because there was a covered carport and I thought that would protect it some, but I didn’t think there was time. I started heading for the house as quickly as I could. I’m not sure if there really were sucking winds, but I was clinging to whatever I could find on the way to the huge double-door. I pulled myself inside and sat on the couch. Everything was sort of an off-white color.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Dream 12-26-11
I did a lot of traveling back and forth. I was supposed to be in a S&D tournament and I had my speech all written out, but Aaron kept having to go to different places so I had to leave and go back. At one point we were in an apartment. It was bright and open and, for some reason, not what I expected. We also ended up out at this nature hiking trail. It was kind of odd, because the place was trying to cut down on litter so they had places where you could take your bags of trash, but it looked like nobody had picked them up from there in quite some time.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Dream 12-25-11
At the very end of the dream Aaron and I were walking into some kind of fruit vendor. Everything was very fresh; I could almost smell it. We looked around for a little bit at some unusual fruits they were selling. One looked like a giant inside-out pineapple. Everything was wrapped in Styrofoam and cellophane (like how meat is sold), even the bananas. After a while he decides on a slice of melon that is kind of oval shaped with a hole towards like bottom (so it looks like a piece of fish) and I get a smallish bunch of grapes. As we are about to leave some lady that worked there said “I’m not sure if I can sell that to you, sir”. Aaron holds up his melon and says “It does smell pretty fantastic, doesn’t it?”. Then he notices the cellophane is coming loose on the bottom so he trades it out for the other melon slice and I think I put the grapes back. She made me a little uncomfortable.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dream 12-22-11
It felt like three separate dreams. First I was at my grandparent’s house (only it was nothing like their house in waking life) and it was kind of dark. The only thing I really remember doing there was going into the fridge. Which was…. a mess. It was like they were using the indented shelves on the doors of the fridge as serving troughs. I did find one interesting thing, though. An apple. It was already cut up into asymmetrical chunks, so I grabbed a few. It didn’t really look like an apple I’ve ever seen. The skin was purple and kind of jelly-like, the flesh was nearly clear and the seeds were almost fuchsia. I ate it anyway, and the texture was sort of jelly-like, too. The taste? I don’t remember, but I remember my reaction to the taste in the dream and apparently it was extremely good.
After that I ended up at some sort of religious temple that was also serving as a youth hostel. At first there weren’t many people and I was glad I was going to be able to get some privacy while I slept. Then, suddenly, there were people everywhere. I thought Aaron was supposed to be there, but as I wandered around I didn’t see him anymore. I kept trying not to trip over people’s bags and stuff. I grabbed some bread and sat down by a fountain that was actually a flooded miniature courtyard. Two other girls came up and sat on either side of me. They both seemed very cartoonish. One was tall and lanky, the other was very short. They were nice, though. We were going to share food, but then a wave came up and knocked my plate of bread out of my hand. I tried to save it, but it was too late.
After that I ended up in the Candy Shop dream again. I think a part of me realized it. Walking down the mall I pass the food stall where I kill somebody. A chick. I don’t remember how and I don’t really remember why. Probably for being snooty. Without hesitation I grab a handful of nuts and continue walking down to my stall. There’s three other girls working there. One of which is also kind of snooty and I kill her, too. Or, she may already be dead when I get there this time. Either way, instead of panicking when the detective shows up I’ve already had time to make it look like this girl is sleeping on a cot or something in back (or someone else did) and I empty the nuts in my pocket into her purse to frame her. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. I go back out front and am helping to refill the dishes. I’m pretty sure it’s a candy shop, but all we have are vegetables. The detective is Gibbs off of NCIS, but he says his name is Binford. I don’t quite hear it so I say “Binford, like off of King of the Hill?” (even though I now realize I meant “Home Improvement”) and a guy that looks kind of like Steven Tyler says “Ix-nay on the King of the Hill”. One of the other girls is doing something to the left and the other girl and I are sitting at a table trying to slice vegetables. All we have are a paring knife and a butcher knife. Both inappropriate and difficult to use. I say so to the detective and for some reason ask him if we can get proper knives. He says no, for some reason, and then I’m telling the Steven Tyler guy that “business is so bad, you know why? Because nobody likes vegetables.” Certainly not these vegetables. They’re all marinated in something very pungent and they’re not crunchy at all. The girl off to the left says something about how we do have these chocolate dipped ice-creams that “girls like us don’t eat” and I say “Fuck that, I do” and grab one. It’s already melting, but I tear into it anyway and everybody laughs. Then, the Steven Tyler guy and I head to the chocolate stall next door and start talking to the guys that work there. I think the plan was to take it over or something, but then I woke up.
After that I ended up at some sort of religious temple that was also serving as a youth hostel. At first there weren’t many people and I was glad I was going to be able to get some privacy while I slept. Then, suddenly, there were people everywhere. I thought Aaron was supposed to be there, but as I wandered around I didn’t see him anymore. I kept trying not to trip over people’s bags and stuff. I grabbed some bread and sat down by a fountain that was actually a flooded miniature courtyard. Two other girls came up and sat on either side of me. They both seemed very cartoonish. One was tall and lanky, the other was very short. They were nice, though. We were going to share food, but then a wave came up and knocked my plate of bread out of my hand. I tried to save it, but it was too late.
After that I ended up in the Candy Shop dream again. I think a part of me realized it. Walking down the mall I pass the food stall where I kill somebody. A chick. I don’t remember how and I don’t really remember why. Probably for being snooty. Without hesitation I grab a handful of nuts and continue walking down to my stall. There’s three other girls working there. One of which is also kind of snooty and I kill her, too. Or, she may already be dead when I get there this time. Either way, instead of panicking when the detective shows up I’ve already had time to make it look like this girl is sleeping on a cot or something in back (or someone else did) and I empty the nuts in my pocket into her purse to frame her. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. I go back out front and am helping to refill the dishes. I’m pretty sure it’s a candy shop, but all we have are vegetables. The detective is Gibbs off of NCIS, but he says his name is Binford. I don’t quite hear it so I say “Binford, like off of King of the Hill?” (even though I now realize I meant “Home Improvement”) and a guy that looks kind of like Steven Tyler says “Ix-nay on the King of the Hill”. One of the other girls is doing something to the left and the other girl and I are sitting at a table trying to slice vegetables. All we have are a paring knife and a butcher knife. Both inappropriate and difficult to use. I say so to the detective and for some reason ask him if we can get proper knives. He says no, for some reason, and then I’m telling the Steven Tyler guy that “business is so bad, you know why? Because nobody likes vegetables.” Certainly not these vegetables. They’re all marinated in something very pungent and they’re not crunchy at all. The girl off to the left says something about how we do have these chocolate dipped ice-creams that “girls like us don’t eat” and I say “Fuck that, I do” and grab one. It’s already melting, but I tear into it anyway and everybody laughs. Then, the Steven Tyler guy and I head to the chocolate stall next door and start talking to the guys that work there. I think the plan was to take it over or something, but then I woke up.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Dream 12-21-11
This one was very disturbing. I think I was in the spare room with Saleen and have of her face was missing. Like, really missing. I could see skull and I don’t think she had an eyeball on that side anymore. I was very concerned and nobody could tell me what happened to her. It didn’t seem to bother her too much, anyway. She kept rubbing against me wanting love and she kept rubbing the skull side on me! The worst part was that it was sticky. At one point she rubbed her skull-face on my shirt sleeve and it stuck because her face was sticky. Like, from healing, I guess. It stuck, though, and left a brown stain on my sleeve.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Dream 12-20-11
I remember a tall, blonde man standing in a doorway. I think it was in a hall, like you’d find in an apartment building. I think one of us was giving the other a ring of keys.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Dream 12-19-11
There was a guy, he seemed really familiar, but I’m not sure why anymore. In the dream I think he was some kind of teacher. We were at a building. I remember a porch and a stream outside. There was something dangerous in the stream, but there were also reasons (I, again, don’t remember) to go in it. I was talking to the guy on the porch. There was supposed to be some kind of party going on, or about to go on. We kept messing with our cell phones for some reason. Also, it was sunset.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Dream 12-18-11
The first dream I’ve had before. It was like I was in a video game. Started out in a house of some kind. I forget what I had to do (find something, I think), but then I get into a car and bust out of the house. A bunch of people follow me, but I lose most of them. Except for a guy driving an old pick-up truck with flames on the side. He’s really hard to dodge. I end up at a trailer that’s set up as a roadside stand on the side of the highway. I’m trying to hide out, but this Hispanic chick approaches me and starts laughing. She asks me something and I’m sort of noncommittal. She mentions the guy in the truck so I follow her up a small hill to a stash of guns. They’re very poorly made, but I grab one anyway. We shoot at the truck, but I’m not sure if it helps at all. The gun feels like it’s going to fall apart in my hand. I end up trying to hide in a big gnarled tree and end up driving off in another car.

The second dream I’ve had before as well. Aaron and I are driving around at night and we end up at the end of this road. It’s dark and a little scary, but there are a few buildings set off from the road that are very brightly lit up. Enough to hurt his eyes. We pull into this dirt parking lot at the end of the road, but the path that we normally take is gated off. He gets out to open the gate, which is already partially open, and as he’s opening it I notice a path to the side we could have taken without him getting out. After that it gets kind of strange. The perspective changes to further up in the air, like a bird’s eye view of this little neighborhood. A few of the houses are on fire and I can see my tiny self running around with a fire hose trying to put out the fires.

The third one felt a little familiar in parts, but I think I was mostly just trying to stay asleep. I was part of a group of people who were traveling on foot. Kind of like refugees. We were searching for supplies. We walk along a drainage thing, taking sloping paths up and down. At one point I end up trying to make my way into some kind of military base so I can get a helicopter. I’m not sure why. I get shot at, but I’m doing really good at dodging the people and gunfire, I just ended up losing sight of where the helicopter was so I just run around in circles for a while. I’m pretty sure there was more after that, but I forget.
The second dream I’ve had before as well. Aaron and I are driving around at night and we end up at the end of this road. It’s dark and a little scary, but there are a few buildings set off from the road that are very brightly lit up. Enough to hurt his eyes. We pull into this dirt parking lot at the end of the road, but the path that we normally take is gated off. He gets out to open the gate, which is already partially open, and as he’s opening it I notice a path to the side we could have taken without him getting out. After that it gets kind of strange. The perspective changes to further up in the air, like a bird’s eye view of this little neighborhood. A few of the houses are on fire and I can see my tiny self running around with a fire hose trying to put out the fires.
The third one felt a little familiar in parts, but I think I was mostly just trying to stay asleep. I was part of a group of people who were traveling on foot. Kind of like refugees. We were searching for supplies. We walk along a drainage thing, taking sloping paths up and down. At one point I end up trying to make my way into some kind of military base so I can get a helicopter. I’m not sure why. I get shot at, but I’m doing really good at dodging the people and gunfire, I just ended up losing sight of where the helicopter was so I just run around in circles for a while. I’m pretty sure there was more after that, but I forget.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Dream 12-15-11
Did a lot of jumping around in this one. First part was like watching an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond” from the inside. Everybody was taking a vacation in Florida and Ray’s mom was fretting about cleaning something. Ray and Debra were in some kind of hot tub and Ray made some kind of sarcastic remark to his mom about whatever she was fretting about. I don’t remember exactly what he said, just that I specifically remember him saying, “in Florida?!”
Straight from there, almost like they were part of the same set but in no way connected, it was like Aaron and I were creating Sims from inside the game. There was some kind of Tiki theme. He wanted his Sim to be a certain way, have some kind of specific trait (but I forget which one. Speed, maybe) so he was trying to put it through some kind of trial, but he was going to soon. He was supposed to jump up on a ledge, then go into this cave and fight another sim creation, but he kept hurting his sim trying to get it to jump up on the ledge so it was mostly dead already by the time it got to the fight. I tried to tell him it was too early to put his sim through that, but he was stubborn and tried anyway.
The next part felt like it took place in “grandma’s house”. Not my grandma, but perhaps somebody’s. I was entirely focused on this old book of detective-type puzzles. The middle 6 pages or so were clear, but the writing was still easy to read. The riddle I was trying to work on involved some symbols you were supposed to be able to find in the house, but everything was so old and faded I would not have been able to figure it out except somebody had carved the answers into the window sill. The only symbols I remember clearly were an old shoe (there was also a shoe in one of the other riddle, one of those “find the differences” deals) and a spider web.
After I figured out the puzzle Aaron and I were in a car. It was some kind of convertible even though it was dark and raining. We were sitting at an intersection, but I don’t think either of us was driving the car. All of the other cars on the road were odd looking. Like…. Almost like personal tanks that were shaped kind of like Smart cars, but like if the Smart car had been invented in the 50s. First one came taking a left turn in front of us and I knew that it was going too fast and was sure it was going to lose control. I was partially right. It wasn’t able to make the turn and ended up going behind us. The next two cars I was also sure were going to fast and sure enough the first of the two flipped over. I braced myself for impact, but it landed in the lane next to us.
I don’t know what happened with the next car because after that I ended up in some white brick building. It was like a prison/orphanage? The first part of here I was watching an older woman trying to deal with I think three trouble makers. They were young boys. They were supposed to be cleaning something, like mopping, but they kept making a bigger mess throwing papers around. The papers were all multi-colored, yellow and pink. Mostly yellow. Not old-yellow, just yellow paper. The lady took them down to some kind of cell-block room and another older lady was there trying to sort through more yellow and pink paperwork and she had a fit when the other lady brought them down. I assume she had already tried to deal with them.
Then in the same building I was again “in” the dream. I was a prisoner there with two other ladies about my age. They were tougher than me, so I was still more of a follower. We were on the roof where there was another cell and a stairway going down. One of the (male) “prison guards” was going on about something having to do with getting our nails done and we were going last for…. Some reason. I think it had to do with because we were doing dishes? They had some kind of plan and rigged a door so it wouldn’t lock behind them. The prison guard talked to me a little longer while they went ahead and when I went to follow them, presumably to get my nails done, I caught sight of one of them but when she heard me coming down the stairs she quickly ducked into another room.
Straight from there, almost like they were part of the same set but in no way connected, it was like Aaron and I were creating Sims from inside the game. There was some kind of Tiki theme. He wanted his Sim to be a certain way, have some kind of specific trait (but I forget which one. Speed, maybe) so he was trying to put it through some kind of trial, but he was going to soon. He was supposed to jump up on a ledge, then go into this cave and fight another sim creation, but he kept hurting his sim trying to get it to jump up on the ledge so it was mostly dead already by the time it got to the fight. I tried to tell him it was too early to put his sim through that, but he was stubborn and tried anyway.
The next part felt like it took place in “grandma’s house”. Not my grandma, but perhaps somebody’s. I was entirely focused on this old book of detective-type puzzles. The middle 6 pages or so were clear, but the writing was still easy to read. The riddle I was trying to work on involved some symbols you were supposed to be able to find in the house, but everything was so old and faded I would not have been able to figure it out except somebody had carved the answers into the window sill. The only symbols I remember clearly were an old shoe (there was also a shoe in one of the other riddle, one of those “find the differences” deals) and a spider web.
After I figured out the puzzle Aaron and I were in a car. It was some kind of convertible even though it was dark and raining. We were sitting at an intersection, but I don’t think either of us was driving the car. All of the other cars on the road were odd looking. Like…. Almost like personal tanks that were shaped kind of like Smart cars, but like if the Smart car had been invented in the 50s. First one came taking a left turn in front of us and I knew that it was going too fast and was sure it was going to lose control. I was partially right. It wasn’t able to make the turn and ended up going behind us. The next two cars I was also sure were going to fast and sure enough the first of the two flipped over. I braced myself for impact, but it landed in the lane next to us.
I don’t know what happened with the next car because after that I ended up in some white brick building. It was like a prison/orphanage? The first part of here I was watching an older woman trying to deal with I think three trouble makers. They were young boys. They were supposed to be cleaning something, like mopping, but they kept making a bigger mess throwing papers around. The papers were all multi-colored, yellow and pink. Mostly yellow. Not old-yellow, just yellow paper. The lady took them down to some kind of cell-block room and another older lady was there trying to sort through more yellow and pink paperwork and she had a fit when the other lady brought them down. I assume she had already tried to deal with them.
Then in the same building I was again “in” the dream. I was a prisoner there with two other ladies about my age. They were tougher than me, so I was still more of a follower. We were on the roof where there was another cell and a stairway going down. One of the (male) “prison guards” was going on about something having to do with getting our nails done and we were going last for…. Some reason. I think it had to do with because we were doing dishes? They had some kind of plan and rigged a door so it wouldn’t lock behind them. The prison guard talked to me a little longer while they went ahead and when I went to follow them, presumably to get my nails done, I caught sight of one of them but when she heard me coming down the stairs she quickly ducked into another room.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Dream 12-14-11
A few of my friends and I were visiting this old Pub. The place was pretty awesome. Very old and derelict looking, set off in the woods a bit away from everything else. The stones used to make it were mostly yellowish and some were pretty big which gave it a very interesting look. The bathrooms were in the basement and the only way to get to them was from outside, so it was good that it wasn’t cold. It seems like it was mostly nighttime, but I think the dream spanned a few nights. We were friends with the owner (I think) and apparently there had been a problem with two guys hiding out in the girl’s bathroom trying to assault people and we were going to get to the bottom of it. I saw the guys once on the first night, but they disappeared somehow. I think they ran away. They tried to attack me and it didn’t work. So my friends and I were diligent about hanging around and making sure we checked every room every so often. Since the guys never came back, mostly it was a great time hanging out in an old pub in the woods. I remember Sabrina was there and this guy Tommy I knew back in elementary school, but he was all grown up now. There was also a guy who kind of looked like that guy from Central Perk on ‘Friends’.
At one point I went to this place that was kind of like a Wal-Mart. They were having problems with their lights I kept trying to turn them on, but the switches only worked in a certain order. I remember the aisles were sort of cramped, the ones I went into were anyway, and I spent a bit of time in the make-up section (which looked more like the one in Walgreens) but I don’t remember if I got anything there. Just some food and sleepover supplies before heading back to the pub. There was some game, like an old arcade game, that a few of us were playing. We spent some time outside and I ended up with this cat and I was telling everyone the story of how I got him. He was a kitten, actually. Small and very fuzzy with a partially mushed in face like a Persian. His body was orange and his head had a huge white mane, he had big eyes and was so adorable. He would somersault and stuff to beg for treats.
The last part didn’t make a lot of sense. It was on some kind of movie set that looked like an alley. There were 5 or 6 (or more) actresses filming an action sequence that was shooting something from a car and the girl with the gun could not hit her target. All of them had British accents. One lady (that looked kind of like Monica from ‘Friends’) was yelling at one of the other girls about something not being done on time and she was tired of it because there were deadlines and stuff and the other girl swore she’d have it done. Some article or something. A bunch of papers got blown around in the wind.
At one point I went to this place that was kind of like a Wal-Mart. They were having problems with their lights I kept trying to turn them on, but the switches only worked in a certain order. I remember the aisles were sort of cramped, the ones I went into were anyway, and I spent a bit of time in the make-up section (which looked more like the one in Walgreens) but I don’t remember if I got anything there. Just some food and sleepover supplies before heading back to the pub. There was some game, like an old arcade game, that a few of us were playing. We spent some time outside and I ended up with this cat and I was telling everyone the story of how I got him. He was a kitten, actually. Small and very fuzzy with a partially mushed in face like a Persian. His body was orange and his head had a huge white mane, he had big eyes and was so adorable. He would somersault and stuff to beg for treats.
The last part didn’t make a lot of sense. It was on some kind of movie set that looked like an alley. There were 5 or 6 (or more) actresses filming an action sequence that was shooting something from a car and the girl with the gun could not hit her target. All of them had British accents. One lady (that looked kind of like Monica from ‘Friends’) was yelling at one of the other girls about something not being done on time and she was tired of it because there were deadlines and stuff and the other girl swore she’d have it done. Some article or something. A bunch of papers got blown around in the wind.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Dream 12-13-11
I was in some kind of swanky apartment building. I’m not sure if I was moving or helping someone else move. I kept taking stuff down to the basement and sort of re-arranging it so I could move around better. It may have been more like a dorm? It seems like the ground floor was like a kitchen and living area, the second floor had a handful of apartments and the top floor had two giant lofts. The strange thing about them was that as you come up the stairs the very outside wall of the building was normal, but the walls to the lofts were all glass so you could see everybody and everything going on in them. There were a lot of ladies milling around. Something having to do with some guy. I gathered them all together and had a sort of talk with them. I don’t remember if he was being an asshole or if they were just being bitches, but I’m pretty sure I ended up getting rid of most of them.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Dream 12-08-11
I think I was mildly confused through most of the dream. It seemed rather long and I think the dream itself was supposed to be taking place over the span of a couple of days, if not a week or two. I was over at Jack’s house and all of the guys that hang out there were there. Not always all of them all at once, people would come and go. We mostly sat around and I spent a lot of time wondering why Aaron didn’t want to come over. The days moved by quickly. The trailer park that he was in was different, it was more like the one Amber used to live in. Except at night some of the streets were fenced off so it was a bit difficult to navigate. This became semi-important when Tim and Faith came over one night because they ran out of toilet paper. Jack’s mom told me to go into the bathroom to find some for them. Which I did. I also gave Faith four aspirin. By the time I got back with the toilet paper, though, they had left and I was trying to walk to their house, but like I said it the road was fenced off. There was some kind of animal with me, I think, that was trying to help me navigate the way? I don’t think I ever found the house. When I got back I realized I had two cars over at their house and had no idea how I was going to get them both home by myself. One was my Toyota and the other was Dave’s Blazer. I don’t know why I had that, but the Blazer wasn’t even running. I had some stuff stored in the back, though. I called dad over and he looked at it and fiddled with something and got it started, but I still didn’t end up going home. That was during the day, then suddenly it was night again and Mook was outside and said if I ever needed to run away I should go “that way” because of how the streets were blocked. Then he asked if I wanted to do any cocaine and I said yes. We went inside and he pulled out a blue, plastic plate that I assume he was going to cut it on, but he never produced the cocaine. I think I ended up outside again.

I don’t know where I was, just that I think I was on some kind of catwalk or scaffold. The only thing I remember with absolute clarity is that suddenly all of the teeth on the top-right side of my mouth started falling out. One or two came loose and I ended up pulling them out, but at least three fell out on their own. All on the same side. I started panicking because the tooth that’s been giving me problems (in my waking life) is on the left side and I had no idea how I was going to be able to chew anything. The only thing that gave me comfort was knowing that I have (in my waking life) a dentist appointment coming up soon.
I don’t know where I was, just that I think I was on some kind of catwalk or scaffold. The only thing I remember with absolute clarity is that suddenly all of the teeth on the top-right side of my mouth started falling out. One or two came loose and I ended up pulling them out, but at least three fell out on their own. All on the same side. I started panicking because the tooth that’s been giving me problems (in my waking life) is on the left side and I had no idea how I was going to be able to chew anything. The only thing that gave me comfort was knowing that I have (in my waking life) a dentist appointment coming up soon.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dream 12-07-11
I was at Brak and Walter’s house. I think it was their house and not their parents house, because it was all different. There was a huge bathtub in the kitchen which I was using. In the bathtub I was eating this dish of tortilla and filling. I dropped the filling in the tub and was using the tortillas to scoop it off of the sides of the tub. While I was doing that Onyx jumped in the water and was swimming around like an otter and licking the filling off of the sides of the tub. I also kept getting random flashes of porn I had done, but it was pictures and videos I didn’t (and still don’t upon waking) remember doing.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Dream 12-06-11
It was very disjointed. Hardly any continuity at all. I think it started out… I’m not sure where. I was in some kind of building, it was fairly big and open with huge windows. I had my “best friend” (in the dream) with me and we were discussing something having to do with school. I think. Then she got a call or a text from some guy. I guess she had a crush on him or something. I got the feeling he was some kind of holy roller, though when I met him he didn’t give off that vibe as much. Anyway, he was in a church at the moment. It was a big church with large stained glass windows depicting scenes you wouldn’t expect from a church. She told him that we could see the church from where we were and instructed him which window to look out of to be facing us. Suddenly everything shifted and his church was connected to our building by a small corridor. The buildings were suddenly right next to each other and connected! So he came over to where we were. He gave me some kind of pamphlet I barely looked at. A few other people showed up with some science equipment and an R.V. and the walls in our building disappeared. A platform kind of appeared and we were all sitting and laying on it looking up at this giant nebula. It was purple and took up most of the sky. I felt like I was about to shift so I went into a side room and organized some of my things. Most of it was a collecting of Sailor Moon costumes. I don’t recall seeing the wigs, but I had the dresses and stuff.
When I turned to leave the room the door instead opened up into a kind of trailer park. I was in a trailer, a fairly nice one, and I think Annalisa was sitting in a chair in the room behind me. I was looking out of the front door and saw two guys cutting across our lawn. I slowly and quietly closed and locked the door, being sure to also lock the chain and deadbolt. Then I rushed over to a window and tried to peak through the curtains without disturbing them. I saw the guys over by our neighbor’s grill and the police were questioning them. I was concerned about the flashing cop car lights illuminating me. I couldn’t remember how the light/dark worked when seeing through windows so I would move out of the curtain hole from time to time. Nothing ended up happening, though. I’m not sure if I went outside or not.
In the last part I was outside and it was bright daylight. I was following two older rustic guys down some dirt paths between the trees. The intersections of the dirt paths had street signs and I was looking for the one that said “Trimmier” so I could get back home. I’d at least know which direction to go. None of them when “that” way, though. We passed a wooden fence and somehow I ended up crouched near it and a small badger came up and was snarling at me. I slightly bigger badger could be seen in the distance making it’s way towards me. I was afraid and didn’t want to move. Then next to me appeared a humungous badger, much bigger than me, and it was snarling at the smaller ones and I was able to make my way behind it to catch up to the guys. We finally made our way out of the wooded area onto a more open path. I recognized the road so I turned back to memorize where we had come out. It was an arch of branches and there were black, plastic trash cans being used as both pedestals and planters. It was kind of nice and I was sure I could find it again if I wanted to visit.
When I turned to leave the room the door instead opened up into a kind of trailer park. I was in a trailer, a fairly nice one, and I think Annalisa was sitting in a chair in the room behind me. I was looking out of the front door and saw two guys cutting across our lawn. I slowly and quietly closed and locked the door, being sure to also lock the chain and deadbolt. Then I rushed over to a window and tried to peak through the curtains without disturbing them. I saw the guys over by our neighbor’s grill and the police were questioning them. I was concerned about the flashing cop car lights illuminating me. I couldn’t remember how the light/dark worked when seeing through windows so I would move out of the curtain hole from time to time. Nothing ended up happening, though. I’m not sure if I went outside or not.
In the last part I was outside and it was bright daylight. I was following two older rustic guys down some dirt paths between the trees. The intersections of the dirt paths had street signs and I was looking for the one that said “Trimmier” so I could get back home. I’d at least know which direction to go. None of them when “that” way, though. We passed a wooden fence and somehow I ended up crouched near it and a small badger came up and was snarling at me. I slightly bigger badger could be seen in the distance making it’s way towards me. I was afraid and didn’t want to move. Then next to me appeared a humungous badger, much bigger than me, and it was snarling at the smaller ones and I was able to make my way behind it to catch up to the guys. We finally made our way out of the wooded area onto a more open path. I recognized the road so I turned back to memorize where we had come out. It was an arch of branches and there were black, plastic trash cans being used as both pedestals and planters. It was kind of nice and I was sure I could find it again if I wanted to visit.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Dream 12-05-11
The first part had a very strange perspective. It felt like we were inside, and if I didn’t look around too much I would think we were inside, but everything appeared to be outside. In the street, in fact. Started off with my mom handing me a bunch of unwrapped Christmas presents I was supposed to put (hide, actually) on a shelf without looking at them. This, of course, was fairly impossible and I noticed it was mostly coffee travel mugs and Hello Kitty notebooks. I did my best to set everything up and have it hidden behind other stuff, but things kept falling over. While I was messing with the shelves a teacher came in and a class appeared and it was like the first day of school. Doing the whole “getting to know you” thing. I participated when I had to, but mostly stayed working on the shelves. Until I was done, I guess, because then I was sitting in an easy chair messing with a laptop. Mom was still there and then so was Sandra even though we were in different grades. I think it was getting dark. Suddenly mom said “Why did you let Sandra bring that game” (the game had a name, but I forget what it was) and I looked over and she was playing some game on an iPad. I said something meaner than I intended because I was really upset. I wanted an iPad first, but of course Sandra was the first one to get one.
I sat there crying for a bit when I suddenly noticed that I wasn’t in the chair anymore. I was sitting on a curb and mom was still sitting next to me. We were on a street corner in front of a rustic looking house. There were trees everywhere and a hill off to the side. Jet was with us and she kept running off. She had a flower in her mouth. One time she came around and there was another dog with her that looked just like her except the fur on top of it’s head was white. I heard someone yelling from the top of the hill “Don’t act like you ain’t no motherfuckin’ mountain lion.” Sounding just like your average ghetto rat bitch. I looked up and saw that there was, in fact, a mountain lion up there. Jet took off again and I screamed for her to come back. I also saw a tiger behind the mountain lion. Neither of them moved in our direction (and I really don’t know what that bitch was expecting the mountain lion to DO), but I didn’t figure we had much time. I tried my best to round up all three animals (there was a fat calico cat with us at this point) and made a run for it. The path was narrow and tree branches blocked a lot of it. Mom said something about leaving and I said yes, we are going now. I rammed into an old dead looking tree and moved the branches enough so that she could get past. I heard the whole tree creak as I leaned into it. I don’t know if she, or any of the animals, made it through or if the mountain lion (or tiger) gave chase. I woke myself up.
I sat there crying for a bit when I suddenly noticed that I wasn’t in the chair anymore. I was sitting on a curb and mom was still sitting next to me. We were on a street corner in front of a rustic looking house. There were trees everywhere and a hill off to the side. Jet was with us and she kept running off. She had a flower in her mouth. One time she came around and there was another dog with her that looked just like her except the fur on top of it’s head was white. I heard someone yelling from the top of the hill “Don’t act like you ain’t no motherfuckin’ mountain lion.” Sounding just like your average ghetto rat bitch. I looked up and saw that there was, in fact, a mountain lion up there. Jet took off again and I screamed for her to come back. I also saw a tiger behind the mountain lion. Neither of them moved in our direction (and I really don’t know what that bitch was expecting the mountain lion to DO), but I didn’t figure we had much time. I tried my best to round up all three animals (there was a fat calico cat with us at this point) and made a run for it. The path was narrow and tree branches blocked a lot of it. Mom said something about leaving and I said yes, we are going now. I rammed into an old dead looking tree and moved the branches enough so that she could get past. I heard the whole tree creak as I leaned into it. I don’t know if she, or any of the animals, made it through or if the mountain lion (or tiger) gave chase. I woke myself up.
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