Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dream 08-11-10

I dreamt I was sitting on a picnic table out on the coast. There was a guy there with me, but I don’t remember who he was or what his function (if any) was. Anyway, I was sitting on the table facing the water and I just started concentrating. I saw some dark, pitch-black storm clouds accumulating sort of off in the distance. So I focused on those and they got bigger. I felt myself pulling them towards me. There was a whole big trail of them. They weren’t normal clouds either, but you know when you see a cloud in the distance and you can tell it’s raining “over there” because the bottom is pulled down like somebody smudged it? Like that. I woke up and turned on the weather channel and there was a tropical depression in the Gulf. Even so, it wasn’t supposed to rain but it did anyway. Fairly fiercely.