These are my dreams. Not my "one day I'll win the lottery" dreams. My "this is what I dreamt while I was asleep" dreams. Feel free to read the first post to discover what set me on my path to dreamworking. I finally have all of the old dreams from my notebooks and blog all compiled here so it is as complete as it can be. Enjoy. (spaces indicate paragraph breaks, the snazzy divider indicates different dreams in the same day)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Dream 05-30-06
The only thing I really remember is a large statue of a Chinese dragon on top of a mountain. There were trees and clouds as well. It was emanating beautiful shades of blues and purples. I knew I had to get to it, but I don't know why.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Dream 05-28-06
I was out in an urban street area. There was crime, but I wasn't scared. I could blend in or disappear when necessary. I was at home going through some old drawings and pictures, really wondering how my sister had become so apathetic and selfish. It seemed that it may have been my fault for breaking myself apart from the family so early. Yet it didn't seem fair to blame myself.
Suddenly mom and my sisters showed up. There was some awkward conversation as we went through more pictures. I stood up to leave and came within inches of running to a giant spider web. I gave a yelp and fell down. Mom grabbed the web and rolled it into a ball in her hand. I looked down because my foot felt funny and there was a spider on my foot. I tried to swat it away, but it was embedding itself into my foot and I had to scrape it out. Then there was one on my arm.
I took off to the streets. I had to be careful because I was being watched. I headed off to a pier. When I got there, a boat was on fire and there was a guy talking about another bomb he had planted. I jumped into the water, clothes and all and swam out to the boat. I touched it and almost tipped it over.
I got back to shore and my clothes were clinging to me. My cell phone rang. I picked it up, but no one was there. It rang again. This time when I answered a female voice whispered "I love you." I didn't think it was for me so I hung up.
Suddenly mom and my sisters showed up. There was some awkward conversation as we went through more pictures. I stood up to leave and came within inches of running to a giant spider web. I gave a yelp and fell down. Mom grabbed the web and rolled it into a ball in her hand. I looked down because my foot felt funny and there was a spider on my foot. I tried to swat it away, but it was embedding itself into my foot and I had to scrape it out. Then there was one on my arm.
I took off to the streets. I had to be careful because I was being watched. I headed off to a pier. When I got there, a boat was on fire and there was a guy talking about another bomb he had planted. I jumped into the water, clothes and all and swam out to the boat. I touched it and almost tipped it over.
I got back to shore and my clothes were clinging to me. My cell phone rang. I picked it up, but no one was there. It rang again. This time when I answered a female voice whispered "I love you." I didn't think it was for me so I hung up.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Dream 05-26-06
I was in a kind of Final Fantasy world. We didn't have any battles at the moment. Everything looked CG, but seemed completely natural. I was walking along a beach with Zell and we were holding hands. We got into a mood and tumbled together onto the sand. As we lay there laughing a light came on in a nearby house. We walked up to the open window and it was Christian Slater. We talked with him for a while then walked off.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dream 05-18-06
It was late at night and I was preparing for a journey. I was gonna have to go through a long dark maze. I had water, smokes and a couple of lighters.
After starting off, it didn't seem like I had gone too far when I came to a sort of square with rooms facing in. I guess for this part I was actually living there. People would come and go.
There was something about a beat-up old car and picking something up, but I can't really remember.
After starting off, it didn't seem like I had gone too far when I came to a sort of square with rooms facing in. I guess for this part I was actually living there. People would come and go.
There was something about a beat-up old car and picking something up, but I can't really remember.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dream 05-17-06
Somewhere at the beginning I ran across a coin with the face of Venus on one side and six symbols I didn't recognize on the other. I knew I had to have it, but there were too many people around for me to just take it.
I went to a store and ended up by a bank. There was a snooty girl who gave me a dirty look, told me it was closed and turned away. I knew she was the bank president's daughter. I caught up to her and made it clear that she was not better than me.
I went back to my friend's house wearing a formal dress and told them what happened. Many of them were working in some kind of cave. The sides started crumbling so I told them to get out.
One other girl and I ended up getting kidnapped by some of the preppies and taken to a shack in the middle of some parking lot or something. Apparently Aaron had been kidnapped but had been making the best of it by having sex with a few of the girls there. I was hurt and went ballistic. Somehow we got out.

We were all living in some kind of castle in the mountains. Rock mountains, not forest mountains. Aaron and I were sitting around talking and I moved my tongue around in my mouth and one of my teeth fell out. In the span of us talking about it, two more fell out.
At that moment I heard dad talking. I had all of my teeth in my hand and went out to talk to him. I asked him how far his dental plan covered and showed him the teeth in my hand. Naturally he was grossed out. I didn't hear his answer, though, cuz next thing I knew I was in the bathtub.
I went to a store and ended up by a bank. There was a snooty girl who gave me a dirty look, told me it was closed and turned away. I knew she was the bank president's daughter. I caught up to her and made it clear that she was not better than me.
I went back to my friend's house wearing a formal dress and told them what happened. Many of them were working in some kind of cave. The sides started crumbling so I told them to get out.
One other girl and I ended up getting kidnapped by some of the preppies and taken to a shack in the middle of some parking lot or something. Apparently Aaron had been kidnapped but had been making the best of it by having sex with a few of the girls there. I was hurt and went ballistic. Somehow we got out.
We were all living in some kind of castle in the mountains. Rock mountains, not forest mountains. Aaron and I were sitting around talking and I moved my tongue around in my mouth and one of my teeth fell out. In the span of us talking about it, two more fell out.
At that moment I heard dad talking. I had all of my teeth in my hand and went out to talk to him. I asked him how far his dental plan covered and showed him the teeth in my hand. Naturally he was grossed out. I didn't hear his answer, though, cuz next thing I knew I was in the bathtub.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dream 05-16-06
I don't remember much. Just a lot of browns and oranges and some kind of control panel.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Dream 05-14-06
I was over at Lex's (from Smallville) house with 2 other people. We were sitting around a low coffee table drinking tea. The two other girls, I guess, didn't really like him and were there to give him a hard time. One of them asked what was wrong with him. He had a chill that would not go away. He was cold all the time, almost to the point of freezing, and couldn't get warm. I went over and knelt in front of him, locked him with my gaze and kissed him. When I did, I sucked the cold right out of him. Maybe not permanently, but for a while. I could tell he was grateful, even if he didn't say so.
The other girls disappeared and we went back to his room. As we were about to start talking his dad (not from the show) barged in. He said something about a party and being a good host and then left. Lex followed.
I wandered the mansion, inside and out, in the hopes of running into him. There were lots of famous people there with their kids. I did run into him again at a picnic outside, even though it was starting to drizzle. He smiled when he saw me and we sat together.
The other girls disappeared and we went back to his room. As we were about to start talking his dad (not from the show) barged in. He said something about a party and being a good host and then left. Lex followed.
I wandered the mansion, inside and out, in the hopes of running into him. There were lots of famous people there with their kids. I did run into him again at a picnic outside, even though it was starting to drizzle. He smiled when he saw me and we sat together.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Dream 05-13-06
I was in a theater, helping with some sort of production. There were these wires that the performers would fly around on. In this theater, the stage was square and in the center of the room with all of the seating circling around it.
Somehow I ended up on what, at first, appeared to be a cruise ship. Only it was practically 2-dimensional. There were 3 other people on the ship, but only my stuff was stored away. Somehow I, and all of my stuff, ended up over by Joseph's old house. I ran into a friend of his who said he'd help me find him. Interestingly, Joseph lived in a house I had dreamed him in before (a blue house, not the trailer) instead of the actual house he lived in, though the area looked the same. He was upset that I had found him. Said I'd hurt him pretty badly and that he just wanted to forget me. I waited in his yard, with my stuff, for someone to pick me up.
Somehow I ended up on what, at first, appeared to be a cruise ship. Only it was practically 2-dimensional. There were 3 other people on the ship, but only my stuff was stored away. Somehow I, and all of my stuff, ended up over by Joseph's old house. I ran into a friend of his who said he'd help me find him. Interestingly, Joseph lived in a house I had dreamed him in before (a blue house, not the trailer) instead of the actual house he lived in, though the area looked the same. He was upset that I had found him. Said I'd hurt him pretty badly and that he just wanted to forget me. I waited in his yard, with my stuff, for someone to pick me up.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Dream 05-09-06
I moved around a lot, had a lot to do. That's all I can remember now.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Dream 05-07-06
I guess for most of the dream we were all out in the woods, like at the huge camping site? I knew a bunch of people. I kept having car trouble, but dad and I got everything taken care of. There was a computer lab, but there was only a couple of computers. Dad went and put his name on the list and on his way back a snobby girl was blocking his path and didn't notice him, so I made her notice. At the beginning, though, I think I was actually in school. I had some homework to do, but for some reason I was having a hard time getting started.
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Dream 05-03-06
I was in a room somewhere. It was getting to be dark outside. I was sitting next to a window looking out. Suddenly a rabid, possibly possessed dog stuck it’s head through the bottom of the window, barking wildly. I was upset and yelled at it that it wasn't supposed to be able to get in. It told me to shut up and kept trying to climb in through the window. I went down the hall to a parking garage where dad was loading up his truck. His truck was like a large, well, not so large shopping cart with a pedal to make it go forward.
I told him that it was starting and he finished packing only the essentials. Mom and someone else were already in the cart. I was about to get in when dad got a pain in his shoulder. He said he wouldn't be going. He put me in charge and went to hide. I strapped myself onto the front of the cart and backed out of the parking garage. It was very hard to steer. Down the road I passed a truck lot. About a dozen semis were trying to maneuver into the relative safety, so I kept on. A little ways down I came across a spaceship. It was shooting lasers erratically around the street. I jumped into the seat of the cart and found some handles with buttons on top. I fired at the ship. I didn't destroy it, but it did fly off.
Next thing I knew I found myself at a school. It was all painted brick on the inside with pretty narrow hallways. I was being given a tour cuz something special had been set up for me. I never saw what it was before I woke up.
I told him that it was starting and he finished packing only the essentials. Mom and someone else were already in the cart. I was about to get in when dad got a pain in his shoulder. He said he wouldn't be going. He put me in charge and went to hide. I strapped myself onto the front of the cart and backed out of the parking garage. It was very hard to steer. Down the road I passed a truck lot. About a dozen semis were trying to maneuver into the relative safety, so I kept on. A little ways down I came across a spaceship. It was shooting lasers erratically around the street. I jumped into the seat of the cart and found some handles with buttons on top. I fired at the ship. I didn't destroy it, but it did fly off.
Next thing I knew I found myself at a school. It was all painted brick on the inside with pretty narrow hallways. I was being given a tour cuz something special had been set up for me. I never saw what it was before I woke up.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Dream 05-02-06
We were here, and I guess times were pretty bad cuz Sandra was here too, thankfully without Robert. Food was carefully divided up, but not so carefully stored. There were ants everywhere. Aaron and I would have little arguments over his defending people I didn’t like. It was altogether pretty depressing.
Monday, May 1, 2006
Dream 05-01-06
This dream was very fractured. Didn’t spend much time in one place at all. In one area, I was sort of by the apartments in Germany, except when I stepped into the street I was transported to different “arenas” where I had to collect different things and bring them back? That’s all I remember.
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