I was a young woman who grew up in Chicago or NYC in the 60s & 70s. My dad was abusive, my mom was a drunk and my little brother was susceptible to bad influence.
I started out at our apartment. It was just me and some guy friends. I think there was a problem with rain getting in cuz everything seemed all wet. My boyfriend reminded me a lot of Aaron. Our friends were giving him a gift, I knew it was a dildo we had played with earlier. I went into my room to grab my jacket so we could leave. It was my denim jacket with the sequin harlequin on the back without the leather fringe. My room was very dark. Before we all left and parted ways I said goodbye to my little brother and noticed he was going cross-eyed. I was saddened by this and told him to take care of himself.
Outside I found my way to a nearby strip mall. All of the technology was from present day, though I estimated the year to be between ‘74 and ‘76. I noticed some sludge on the ground (from the rain) was drying up. A young man next to me said he wished he could read the animal prints so he knew which way to go.
I looked down and pointed out to him first by us where a pig had slid in the mud. Then several bird tracks, one from a group of birds. Then I noticed, entwined in the tracks, someone had made a track. It was a thin, black strip painted with fluorescent hearts, stars and spirals.
I noticed a man, mid30s, kind of nerdy looking with a digital camera. I tried to ask him if I could borrow it and he could send the pictures to me, but I don’t think he understood. So I went on.
I came to a nearby enclosed area. There was a man, mid30s talking to a rather short man who seemed scared to death and crying. Following him was a man who could not have been more than a foot tall, but his lower half was fused into what appeared to be a warped car steering wheel. The short man explained through his sobs that it was his friend who was supposed to be dead.
I told him I could help. I pulled out my cell phone to call a friend who was psychic. Oddly, the phone would not connect and he didn’t seem to want “my kind” of help anyway. Suddenly I got this intense feeling that I had to get home right away.
I was teleported to my front door, but it had been dry walled over. I found what seemed to be a weak spot and punched with all of my might. It made a hole, but not all the way through. I reached my hand in. The plaster was moist and crumbly so I hit it again and pulled out a hole big enough to crawl through.
Inside, most of the house had been dry walled over, especially my room. I ran into my brother in the hall. He was older, as if I had been gone for years instead of hours. He was very fat and fully cross-eyed now, taking orders from an older boy who was even fatter.
In the living room was my mother. She was passed out drunk on the couch, but opened her eyes when I came in. She told me she loved me, but that I had to get out RIGHT NOW! In that moment, I looked right and saw my dad lumbering at me, his eyes were huge and filled with rage. I turned to slip through the hole I had made and my mother called out that he never followed her through the tunnel. I barely escaped his grasp and knew he would beat her for helping me.
As I righted myself and looked for a tunnel I noticed the whole apartment building’s interior had been dry walled over, with only scattered squares cut out for those who wished to come and go. To my right was a jagged circular hole. I ran and slid into it. I found myself sliding fast down a large pipe. I was sliding through alternating wet and dry plaster, getting totally covered. Somehow as in my dark room earlier it was light enough that I could see. As I slid my heart filled and almost burst with joy as it conceived a melding of magic and mundane protection for all who found themselves in trouble. From human to animal to nature herself. I would call my psychic friend who would surely jump at the chance to help. We would unite and change the world.

I was back at the same apartment, still with some of the drywall up, only at a different time and with a different family. There was a fire somewhere in the building. It was spreading slowly, which gave us enough time to gather up all of the pets and get them outside.
At one part we were all back at Carrollton about to leave, in the van, for something. Mom was driving and took off without Aaron. Even though the road was empty and she could have backed up; she decided to go the long way around the block to get him. Then Aaron and I were in some kind of hotel/apartment room. It seemed like we were pretty settled in. I think, though, we may have been in the process of packing stuff up. It was all very confusing.

I think I was actually in a video game, and people on the outside were using me to translate different things.
Aaron and I were down in some sort of cave. We were possibly looking for something? At one point dad was teaching us how to catch these clams and shrimp and stuff that lived in nearby mud puddles. It was pretty dark and kind of gloomy. I think our only source of light was a few nearby street lamps.
Mom was trying to get dad to buy her another cell phone. When Aaron and I tried to convince him not so, she threw a fit. Next thing I knew we were waking up in a deflated tent on a cliff somewhere in the middle of nowhere. We scared off some wild animals and were trying to figure out how to get back.
I was in a semi-serious relationship with someone, but it wasn’t Aaron. Somehow I ended up wandering my way to David’s house. He wasn’t there, but I went ahead and took a bath anyway. Then I went and laid down in his bed. I had gotten comfortable and was almost sleep when he came in. He was shocked to find someone in his bed, but relaxed when he saw it was me. We lay in the bed for a while just talking about nothing. When I got the feeling he was gonna start coming on to me, I left. There were a bunch of cars and trucks parked outside and someone had taken off in mine. Rather than get into a fight with any of his friends I decided to walk.
I ended up at some kind of museum. It was mostly empty, but at the end of a short hall was a little table. There was a saucer sized ceramic disc painted with patriotic images. There was a cardboard rectangle with a dime-sized hole cut into it, and some kind of tool I didn’t recognize. I held the rectangle to the disc and moved it around. After a while I found something of great interest.
Next thing I knew I was in a grocery store parking lot. It was the middle of the night, and I had just defeated some kind of monster in battle. The next level monster was invisible, and people wishing to fight it had to get two special shots. I felt I was up to it and made my way to the portable buildings set up in the parking lot. There were quite a few people I knew there, but I was the only one there for the shots. I got the first one; it felt very heavy inside of me. As I was waiting for it to settle into my system the fire alarm went off and we had to move to another buildings. I didn’t end up getting the second shot before I woke up.
All I remember is there was a guy that kept popping up that I would talk to. Like the scenery would change, but he’d end up being there.
This one was all over the place. I drove around on a tiny little scooter that I carried around on my back. There were some kids I had to keep checking in on. And something about a tattoo parlor that Set Green worked at and partially owned.
Aaron and I were on our very own island. There were other islands nearby, but the waters were rough making travel difficult. There was a mostly dead tree that was tipping over with half of it’s roots exposed. There was no building, but a large flat rock jutting from the ground at an angle that we used for shelter. I’m not sure if we actually lived there, but it was definitely a place we would visit often.
One of our neighbors on another island was having issue. He had gotten some large tribal-like piercing that were getting severely infected. So much so that he actually passed out on his riding mower. I think one of the other island neighbors actually got to him to help him.

Mom, for some unknown reason, had picked up a frozen penguin to try to cook and eat. Before going home we stopped off at a shop in this huge mall I’ve been to in dreams before. She pulled out the penguin and it had mostly thawed. She put it on a counter and started rubbing marinade into it. While she was doing this, the penguin came back to life. She was not deterred. She told me to put the penguin in the bag so she could refreeze it. As I was carrying the bag the penguin started nipping at my fingers. I knew I couldn’t let her kill it. When we got home, I pulled the penguin out of the bag and ran to a nearby pet store. A friend of mine worked there and said she’d be happy to help. There was a large display with all kinds of rescued animals. In the middle, and well out of sight, was a little freezer area with a few other penguins. Though greasy and funny smelling, my little guy fit right in.
I went back home and jumped on the computer. The programs were acting unusually and I couldn’t figure out how to connect to the internet. Mom came and yelled at me, but I wouldn’t give up the location of the penguin.
I had to leave for school, but I don’t think I belonged in the school I ended up in. I went to the bathroom, cracked a window and had a smoke. Out in the courtyard I noticed Robert M. I could tell he could see me, but not who I was. So I gestured with the pack of smokes for him to join me. When he came in, we each sat down, had a cigarette and we talked about a bunch of stuff from the past. Then a teacher came and I was forced to leave.
I found myself driving down a very wide, very confusing curve of road. I made a split-second decision to go left and ended up in a cavernous maze-like parking compound. I knew that was where I had to be for the next clue (?) to find my friend.
I got out of my car and walked up to a booth manned by Dr. Quinn. I gave her a 3x5 card with her name and some other writing on it and she gave me a different card and a pair of earrings I used to have.
I went around a corner to sit for a while and red-head Sandra came and helped me put the earrings in. They were much heavier than I remembered. She told me about a fight she had and how she was going to ‘fix’ it. I told her it didn’t seem like a very good idea karma-wise, but her mind was made up, and she took off.
Then night came. I dropped by a friend’s house so we could go dancing. On our way out we stopped a few times to pick up other friends who had decided to go too. Instead of dancing, we went to a late night carnival. I was disappointed at first. Then I went on some rides and had fun! I woke up right before I could get on the roller coaster.
I was at some sort of house that appeared to be made out of scaffolding. I was crawling around trying to avoid being seen by the giants who lived there. I saw some cats sort of play-fighting each other. As I rounded a corner I was almost spotted, so I took off.
I ended up at a trailer I was sharing with a few friends. I went inside and ran into Joseph. I was so happy to see him I just stood there hugging him for a while. We sat down on a cot and I told him about the other house. I tried to press the fact that it was like a fortress. In my mind I saw a pile of bricks.
I was at home. Had either just woken up or was just about to go to bed. All of a sudden I realized I still had a ton of homework to do. I started with the math homework. I didn’t look ~that~ difficult, just that when I opened up the math book I couldn’t find the formulas I needed. The book itself made no sense at all. There was a little more, none of it involving actually going to school, but I don’t remember.
It was the middle of the night and I was checking into a hotel for a special weekend getaway. I had every intention of getting laid, but most of the people that showed up were really not my type. Eventually my roommate showed up and he was pretty good looking. I showed him up to our room.
Everyone gathered downstairs in a small sort of hall with tables and chairs. I didn’t know she was there until Eleanor came and sat right by me. We were all given questionnaires to fill out. Ellie and I were whispering and gossiping about the other guests and made plans to meet up later.
I went upstairs to use the bathroom. They were shared stall-type bathrooms and were pretty creepy with no one else around. One of the stalls was closed, but I couldn’t see any feet under the door. I pushed the door open and it was empty, but still got a creepy feeling and used the one next to it. I ended up not being able to go.
I had some issue later when I found out there WAS someone in that stall. I thought I was going crazy and so did everyone else. I spent the rest of the trip wandering around the hotel. I never met up with Ellie and I never hooked up with that guy
I was at the Racetrack by here to pick up smokes, only it was more like a quick mart with all of the novelty items. It wasn’t very busy. The manager guy, I guess, told me he’d help me out in just a sec. I shrugged and said okay. I made my way around to the back of the store. They had a bunch of candles and figurines, but what caught my eye was an open tray with an assortment of “energy” pills. 99 cents each. I contemplated just taking one, but every time I reached over someone came and stood right next to me and I had to act like I was interested in something else.
Finally I got my smokes and the guy walked me out to my car. We stood there talking and a few minutes later a van with flashing lights and a siren like an ambulance flew up the street. The guy said something I didn’t quite catch.
Somewhere between my parking space and the road I ran into Aaron and he got in. It was then that I realized how very dark it was. Like all the buildings and street lights were out. A lot of cars were running into each other, so I moved very slowly. As I made my way up the hill it turned into a wooded rural sort of road. There was a shed in the road on my right, and I slowed to a crawl to get past it. In the headlights I saw Elvis laying and asleep on the road in front of me.
We stopped, got out and woke him up. He promptly moved over a few feet and pooped. After that, for some reason, we tried to get him in a wheelbarrow. He jumped right back out and crossed the street to a bathtub. When we followed him we realized there was a cat climbing up the shower curtain. I woke up when we were trying to get him back across the street.

We were lying here, only everything was completely different. Our house was doughnut shaped, and Aaron and I had a mattress in the center with no roof. We had almost no grass and every time it rained we lost some dirt. We kept getting calls to fix it, but had no idea how.
Next door was a huge manor. And Asian/White mixed family lived there. Nearby was an office building where, in the lobby, we ran into Van Wilder. Interesting thing was I was trying to ask him about something that happened in one of his movies. Upon waking I realize it wasn’t one of his.
We were in a desert-type area in a house I was unfamiliar with. I had some kind of book where I’d keep track of certain things. There were pictures of grandma up on the walls. That’s all I remember. No, in the house there were some unusual paintings of my grandma. I could tell it was her, even though they didn’t really look like her.
Something about some people I knew who were in jail. Everyone was trying to come up with their own ways to make money. Something about investing a nickel.
The last thing I remember is driving past an empty airplane hangar with an open side door and thinking, “I didn’t know I could get in there.”

We were somewhere, New Jersey, New York, even possibly Oklahoma. Visiting grandparents in their new home. I never saw them, but I somehow knew that’s what was going on. The house was enormous. The landscaping had some unusual plants, but they were pretty. I spent most of the time in the back yard. That’s where the most privacy was, and the computer for some reason.
Out front everything seemed really cramped. Right across the street was another huge house where a mother and daughter lived. There were 2 front entrances, and it was all decoratively painted. It was black and purple, but had a Disney theme.
To the right of them was a Disney theater where you could often see Disney characters coming and going. It was also very dark. Next to us, and also very dark, was a Disney themed club.
On our last day I went in. I ran into redhead Sandra. I was so happy to see her, and apologetic about not finding her sooner. We hugged and I told her how one day as I woke up, I really had no idea where I was, and that I ended up having to walk down a long dirt path to get to the house in the first place.
Before we left for home Aaron said something about a book and a library card he had gotten. I was checking maps, but soon realized I had no idea where we were. So we decided to take a train. Somehow it broke down in a deserted canyon. So we got to walking on the suspended train tracks.
I was wearing sandals and couldn’t get any traction. I never looked at my feet, so I visualized myself wearing sneakers and that fixed the problem. After a while there was a rumble. We ducked underneath and hung there by some bars. It was not a train that passed over us but a big rig convoy. We thought they may have been ghost trucks.
At one point, I was at the house, on the computer and noticed an algae eater fish in a Styrofoam bowl filled with sludge. I grabbed the fish and tried to find a tank for it, but it disappeared.
I wish I could remember. It was a long one, but I took too long to wake up. All I can remember is I did a lot of walking down a lot of corridors. And at one point I had crazy hair, like I had stuck my finger in a socket.
I lost a lot when I woke up. Wherever I was, I got the impression that the animals and locals loved me, but the police and such did not. I think I actually spent the whole dream outside. I was outside on a town street, and there was little or no traffic. Somehow I think I earned backup? Something about it all seemed rather unfamiliar but I couldn’t (or can’t) put my finger on it. I think a parked car exploded?
I was living in a strange house that really was cut off from the community around it. Grandma was there, always laying in bed, but looking healthy and alive. I would go to her for guidance, a lot as it turns out.
The house had a very strong energy presence. It would open and shut doors, ad make it difficult for us to do the same. It’s energy would push against us making it difficult to move forward. I was worried that it might attack Elvis if we didn’t keep an eye on him.
I made a few attempts at standing in a dark room alone to contact him, but the foreboding became too much. I say “him” because at one point I was holding a camera when someone thought they saw something. I snapped a quick picture. It was not a Polaroid type camera, but the film was instantly developed.
While holding the 8x10 at an angle I could see his face clearly. He had short hair, a pronounced brow and square jaw. He did look a little menacing. When I turned the picture to look at it straight on, the image disappeared completely.
I left for the library to research and see what I could find out about him. While I was at a computer, a guy from school (we were pretty close for a while, but I don’t remember his name) came up and told me about some reality show classes/auditions, I figured it was worth looking into.
I was standing in line and made friends with the girl in front of me. All three of us got in. Then I’m back at the computer talking to some kind of staff guy who is saying I’ll get paid $10k a month to go to college.
I go back to class. We are all kneeling on mats. There are only a couple of us, and the instructor is an aboriginal woman in her mid-40s. She is nude, so I take off my top, presumably so I can maneuver better. The guy comes up and whispers in my ear that it’s not like he hasn’t seen them before, then he gives me a little grab. The rest of the class it was like I had fallen back into the habit of physical flirting.
The instructor bent over so that she was on all fours. I could see her vagina and it was almost like it was gasping. I didn’t know what to do but sit and stare. [I believe it was Justin, but I can’t find my yearbook to check for sure]

I think I was in an airport terminal. All I know for sure is that Alexis Arquette was there. And it was very bright outside. Much brighter than my average dream. Also didn’t help that the whole terminal was white.
I wish I could remember. All I know is that I had fun and woke up happy.
I was in some kind of mansion. Everyone was having fun. There was an upstairs swimming pool, and a mud pit outside. There was a guy, teenager maybe, I kept trying to coax out of his shell. Through most of the dream I was either nude, in a bikini, or wearing sexy lingerie also think, at one point, I actually shrank to 2” tall while playing hide-and-seek.
All I remember is moving vast distances over a mapped area. I think I was trying to gather up people? Or possibly just one particular person?
I think I was at some kind of University lodge, or something. Outside a bunch of guys were showing their support for people who had fought in a war by having their left foot cut off and then reattached. It made sense at the time, I suppose. I was there as “moral support” for a friend and, like several who had gone before, once it was done he began to freak out. The nurse in charge of reattachment prep sedated him and I went to meet up with some people for a class field trip.
There were 3 or 4 of us, all nerds, and the teacher. We went to some enclosed brick area that was part of the military influence in the area. I don’t know what we were initially there for, but as we were sitting up on a brick wall some guy tried to rob the place. He set off three bombs before he was taken into custody. They didn’t do much damage, but our little troupe was hit by the shockwave. It felt like a band of pressure, like a hula-hoop.
We made our way back to the lodge to do some research. One of the guys borrowed my cell phone for some kind of port to crack into the system. I went to check on my friend. He was still sedated but recovering nicely. It was starting to get dark, so I went back to the bricked in area.
I snuck in to observe some people fiddling with something. Not sure if they were more robbers, or military people. One of my nerd friends (not the one with my phone) had joined me on the ledge. He appeared just in time for another explosion. This one much bigger than the ones before. Again, we were only hit with the shockwave, but this time the band reached form head to foot, the pressure lasted about 20 seconds and was pretty intense. Interestingly when I tried to breathe I had no problem doing so.
When it was over we got out of there pretty quickly. When we got back to the lodge area we were confronted by quite a scene. Many people were obviously ill and very violent (like zombies only still alive). We scrambled to save our pets and as many normal people as were left. I got my cell phone back when suddenly the other guy who was there and I were stopped in our tracks with one unified thought. “The Pulse” We laughed hysterically for a moment, secure in the fact that we could fix everything.
I was in a fairly large auditorium. There was a very emotional demonstration going on. I noticed a guy I knew, an older guy, from England, further up, almost in the top row. I went up to talk to him.
After the presentation we went back to his place. It was a huge two story apartment on top of a huge swanky hotel. It had an outdoor shower on the porch I was making full use of, basically putting on a show for him.
Suddenly he got weird on me, asking me if I understood why I wasn’t allowed in certain rooms. I said, of course, because of your dead wife. It came out a lot nicer, though. Some people showed up for some kind of party.
I was transported to the apartments in Germany. I walked towards the picnic tables and was excited when everyone was speaking English. One of the guys had bought an entire building, but he was painting it yellow which was weird. I did see that the blackberry bushes had all grown back. However, no one knew if the park and school were still standing.
Aaron and I were in an apartment and we had a sort of partitioned aquarium tank with 2 snakes in it. One was a de-venomed cobra which ended up biting me. One of the fangs left a mark on my hand that looked like a scarab beetle. Even so, I made up my mind that they had to go.
Next day I took the aquarium to a friend of mine who owned a pet store. She said she had room and we set the tank on a shelf to go get smaller cages for them. That’s when we noticed a lizard and a mouse had gotten in. she got the mouse and used a stick to guide the lizard out, which I then grabbed. As we were walking along a corridor the lizard in my hand turned bright red and tried to run off. I kept feeling like I was stretching it, but by the time we got a cage for it, it seemed okay.

We were living out here at the end of this dirt road, but for some reason we were all parking out on the street and walking out here. Also, we had to keep rearranging the cars so that they were lined up properly. We ended up in some kind of store or warehouse. Something odd happened there, but I’m not sure what.
Apparently I was at college. I was standing outside next to a friend of mine and some preppy blonde girls walked past making fun of us. We knew they were in a rival sorority (?!?) so we made it personal. When I got inside the sorority house, people were lounging around and it looked like a total sty. For some reason we had several small fridges and food all over the counters. So I pulled out my wand and started cleaning the place up. I think I was trying to be discrete.
We were here and all packing up to go away for a couple of days. We got to the house we were going to be watching and there was some kind of floating creature I never fully figured out how to take care of.
Somehow I got chased off to a sort of rest area in the middle of the night. I was dodging headlights trying to stay in the shadows. I ran into a girl I kind of think I knew. When it started getting light we began brainstorming ways to get back. Also, there was a bunch of cows roaming around and something about Nathan taking my car because the tires on his scooter had been slashed.