Something about an obstacle course, possibly in the form of a maze. Also, I had a couple of close (dream) friends near me.

I was out looking for someone or something in the country. I had a map and a general idea of where I was going. I cut past a house where a dog was on a chain and it almost caught me anyway. There was a large bridge and somewhere there was a garage where a woman had taken some kind of razor blade and sliced the tires on her husband’s car into thin discs.
Something about a guy I ran into who was being sort of hostile to me. I doubled back across the bridge to find something to defend myself, but he disappeared.
We (Aaron and I) lived in some sort of gated neighborhood that was more isolated than most. We were close. A few of us had our own “fit club” and I was losing a lot of weight.
We were on our way home and passed these metal racks with a bunch of magnets. I stopped to look at them and there was a guy (one of our neighbors, of course) holding a tiny little dog. He invited us to his house.
While there we all talked and I tickled the tiny dog’s tummy. The counter was covered with papers. They seemed relevant to something, but I couldn’t make out any of them. I’m not sure how long we were there, or if we even left before the attacks.
It happened very quickly. One of our neighbors was killed, there was a book with a message on it. A bunch of us moving and hiding in small groups. I don’t’ know how he got in, or if he was stopped, but the attacks were very deliberate. He may have even been someone from the community. The message on the book may have been pointing in that direction.
I was traveling with 2 guys that I was apparently close friends with. We were in a car. We hadn’t traveled too far when we decided to stop. We entered some sort of general store and, apparently, attracted attention. We got cornered in the back of the store. Next thing I know is we’re outside, chained together, and the car is gone.
What we were left with was a metal frame with pedals and pulleys. It took a while, but somehow we learned to maneuver it. Unfortunately we were pretty well lost. We took a wrong turn and ended up on some tiny, broken down road that cut through a forest and over some dilapidated train tracks.
After returning to a real road we came upon an unusual street sign. It had about fifteen highway numbers on it, none of which were the one we wanted. We backtracked all the way to the shop and headed in the other direction. It was getting dark and we were getting pretty tired, but we did come across a road we recognized. About halfway down this road, it seemed like someone had changed all of the street signs. Regardless, we kept going. Then, where the road should have merged with a small highway, there instead stood a large school for girls. We continued anyway until we reached a dead end and had to turn around.
We turned into a side street to think about our next move. After only a few moments we got the feeling we were being watched, and closed-in on, once again. We headed straight ahead towards what should have been a bridge back home. Someone had turned the bridge into a boat crossing. After only a moment’s hesitation we abandoned our “vehicle” and jumped onto a ferry-barge that was mostly full and ready to depart.
Somehow on the boat we were able to shed our chains and somewhat blend in. We ran into a man and his daughter who had been in a similar situation and were also eager to get back home. We decided to split up.
After the boat ride, rather than going home I ended up in some sort of dollar store with about 6 or so people I knew, or at least thought I knew. There was some confusion inside which was a result of something going on outside. I sat on the floor (a handful of people already were) in the make-up aisle and started trying on different colors. A few I really liked I discretely stuck in my purse. At one point I either looked directly in a mirror or “saw” myself face to face. Shortly after straightening my lipstick I woke up.
I was in a humongous library doing research for something. It seemed like all of the books in that section I was in were about war and politics. Most of them were very thick books with red and/or grey covers. One of them that I picked up had a huge list of names and I got a mental image of a dark place . . . Some kind of column that looked like pineapples stacked on top of each other. As I was leaving, there was some sort of game show going on on a stage area inside of the library. There were three people and three giant spinning wheels. I’m not sure what the purpose was or how it was played, but it seemed like they were all winning.
Did a lot of jumping around. I also got the feeling I was inside my own head. . . . . . I just lost it. All I remember was that unusual perspective.
I was here, just getting out of the bathroom and I heard a noise. I looked outside and dad was trying to back some kind of large metal cage on wheels into the driveway/parking area with a golf cart. It hit the fence and tipped over, but he righted it no problem.
I got a visit from some woman, not sure who she was or where she was from, it was some organization though. She wanted me to go undercover into this prison and visit Nathan. ??? I don’t know why. She gave me a certain outfit to wear, a special ticket to get in, and a rather poorly made fake ID.
I more or less hustled my way in and visited with him. The jail was really small, 5 or 6 cells, and I’m not sure what I was even there for. We talked for awhile and then I left.
Outside I ran into a group of street musicians, a family I believe. They gave me a place to stay for the night. Next day the lady found me again. Said I had to get back in. I was nervous because I didn’t have the proper ticket. When I got inside, though, I realized It wouldn’t be an issue. There was no one at the front desk, the lights were heavily dimmed, and there was a sense of . . . Action passed. I walked back to the cell and it was wide open. He was sitting there with 2 or 3 other guys like he was waiting for me. They were all wearing dark blue baseball-style hats. Someone came up behind me, one of the wardens. They split through a hole in the wall while I was explaining that I had been there before and was just visiting my cousin. A fight or something broke out and one of the guys went down. I grabbed his hat and put it on before running through the hole.
Outside it looked like all hell had broken loose. There were fires and rubble and people running around everywhere. I ran into the child from the family of musicians. He lead me around to safety and took off.
I was in an old, old house. I believe I was alone for the most part. I was gathering up supplies for something. In the middle of the house was a deep pit of water and a tunnel that led to an underground cave. I was headed to the cave to grab some stuff, so I took a cat with me. Not sure why, but I did. I had a jacket on that I cradled it in. It wasn’t a long trip, but long enough so I knew I was breathing underwater. There was a ledge I dropped the cat off on, picked up some kind of rock or egg and headed back.
When I resurfaced I was at a school. I was all dry, and I guess fairly well known. I sat with this girl and we were discussing something when some snotty girl came up. She said I had to help her with something and she needed some book and then she walked off. I caught up to her and told her no chance. She was irate and stormed off. I stood there talking to someone else for a while when this guy came up and started touching me. I slapped him and left the classroom to find the teacher. I walked down a hall and found her talking to someone. I told her we were ready, but kept walking.
When I went through the next set of doors I ended up back at the house. It was then that I realized the cat was still on the ledge. I jumped in and got her. She was wet and scared, but otherwise fine.

I had this feeling that I was gonna have a hard time going to sleep, even though I was really tired. I got that buzzy feeling and then felt like I was shot out of a cannon.
I was flying around this waterfront cliff. I think Aaron was there. I felt like I was coming back and felt myself in bed. I cleared my head and the buzzing feeling returned. I felt gentle waves and ended up really seeing every random thought that crossed my mind.
Aaron and I were living in a trailer much like this one, only someplace completely different. Dad, Tim and BJ came by to visit, a tough combination to juggle. There was some awkward conversation. Aaron and Tim went outside, Dad and I sat to play some video games, and BJ went to lay down because he wasn’t feeling well.
I think Dad left, and I started stretching out my back. I noticed I was getting juicy, so I looked for something to wipe myself. There was someone on the bed where I was, so I went to my (our) room. BJ was there asleep on the floor. I carefully stepped over him and onto the bed, but then he was there. He started talking about sex and made me real uncomfortable. Reminded me of Ricky, actually. I darted out of the room and into the bathroom, but the door wouldn’t close so I could lock it. I ran outside to join Tim and Aaron, trying to act casual. They started shuffling me along. Tim pointed to a yellow spot on the fence, and that’s when I noticed these huge, misshapen bees everywhere. He was swatting at them while Aaron led me around to safety. In the parking lot was a car with a family of about 10 trying to all squeeze in.
I was at home, on Carrollton, though I was going around locking doors and such when dad came home. I found myself walking with him towards the mall. About 1/2way up the block, I looked down and realized I was nude. This made me a little uncomfortable, but I kept walking. At the end of the block we just turned right back around and headed back. There was something odd about the houses as we passed them, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I think we made it to the house, but I either went through a portal or was lead by someone to a place where all hell had broken loose. Everyone was fighting everyone else, there was a guy who kept sticking pins in his face and pulling them out. Something about a little dog, but I don’t think I want to remember. There was also an 80-year-old martial arts expert taking down 2 and 3 thugs at a time. It was all very frightening.
I’m not sure I was even in this one. It was like watching ½ an episode of “King of the Hill”. Peggy was getting Luanne and Bobby to clean up some giant mess so they wouldn’t drink again.

I had some kind of farm. I think I was raising a herd of Xweetok.
I was at some podunk, rundown little carnival. I went into a funhouse and just missed getting killed by a guy with a chainsaw. Made my way “home” and ran into Joseph. He did something to help me, and I gave him a kiss. Went to work somewhere and got yelled at, so I took off. Can’t remember the rest.
I think I was in an apartment, like a penthouse. Something about Santa crashing and some things under the carpets.
After that, though, Aaron and I were in a car, he was driving. It was late, and we were trying to get through a drive-thru. We missed the speaker and decided to go inside. We got a variety of food to go.
We ended up back at this huge trailer that was almost like a maze. There were a bunch of people there I knew, but didn’t recognize. I tried to get on the computer, but the programming was unfamiliar. Then I tried to boost the spirits of this nerdy guy, kid actually, who couldn’t get a girl. I don’t think he was really listening.
We, Aaron and I, went outside, and started driving around. We ended up by a little community by Stillhouse. I recognized it when we passed the house I almost bought the car from. For some reason we pulled in and I noticed Dave’s mom was living there. She came out of the front door and I said something about showing Aaron something. She invited us in and showed me some pictures. Only one I remember was one in which she was nude.
Started at this school. There was pretty tight security, but nothing really unusual. I was walking with a guy I knew and he apparently set off one of the alarms. When we were in and out of the way, a security guy came and took him away.
I was in a sort of commons area, and I heard noises around the corner. When I went to investigate, I got trapped in this room with some kind of monster. It was humanoid, yet it’s joints bent at odd angles and it scurried around on the floor. I tried to defend myself with a broken chair or something.
I’m not sure if it worked or not, because next thing I knew Aaron and I were pulling out of a driveway in the middle of nowhere on some sort of decrepit motorcycle or something. As we sat at the end of the driveway, a car came around the corner. The occupants recognized me first. I knew them from “way back”. We decided to meet up.
Don’t know where Aaron went. I went into this diner and they were seated near the back. We started, they mostly, talking about when I went camping in a place where there was a path and a large tree filled canyon. I recognized it as a dream, but don’t’ remember them being there. Somehow I got behind the fat guy and realized there was something wrong about him. I started to shoot him in the back of his neck, but it did nothing.
I woke up, and when I fell back asleep I was driving . . . Due east. I believe. There was a do-it-yourself car wash on my left. For some reason I thought the other car would be there, so I pulled in. It wasn’t, and I ended up getting ushered into one of the bays. I had pulled mostly through when I decided I may as well wash the car while I was there. I went to back up and ended up all crooked. I pulled forward and when I was backing up again I glanced in my side view mirror and Sandra’s face was right up in it.
I just remember a large dining table, and something about a fire.
I’m not sure what happened. Aaron and I were in one ½ of a duplex, part of a little duplex community. It was night. He had gone crazy and started attacking me. Nothing I did seemed to faze him. I found a pole and rammed it into his chest. While he stood there stunned, I took off outside. I ran to the next building over and reached the far duplex, which I thought was also empty. When I got there, a woman appeared. I guess she knew I was in trouble because she invited me in. I sat in a chair in the dark and she went into the kitchen.
A few moments passed and I saw Aaron outside the window. She invited him in as well. We got to talking and noticed some jewelry and trinkets on the TV that belonged to someone else. We gathered them up and went to the bathroom to talk. He had changed back to his normal self.
The bathroom was huge and odd. There were about 6 toilets and an area that looked like a writing room. We decided we had to get out of there. More people appeared, and I think Annalisa was even asleep on the couch. We managed to sneak out unseen and made our way back to the duplex we had been staying in. The sun was coming up, so we decided it was best if we just get in the car and go.
I was in school, English class, taking my final. I hadn’t decided if I really wanted or needed to yet. So I went to my locker in the back of the classroom. I had a key to the lock, shocking since it’s usually a combination lock. I pulled everything out of the locker then went for a walk.
I ended up in a small clinic, but it was like amaze in there. I ran into someone, maybe Aaron, said I should go back and take the final. So I did. I plowed through most of it. Struggled on a few poetry.
I left a few questions undone, and ended up in another maze area. I had some kind of remote control thing that shot lasers. I made my way around the maze to the center where I ran into Aaron, again. We were making plans. A couple of kacheek came around the corner. I almost shot at them with the laser. I noticed everything was dark, but I could see perfectly. Elvis was there too.
Mostly fragments. I started in a field, I think. There were a couple of us trying to fix some kind of vehicle. Dad called, and I was talking to him on two phones. He was speaking in an urgent, almost desperate tone.
Then I found myself in the dark walking down a path between two buildings. Shortly after I turned a corner I ran into a locked gate, so I headed back. There was more, but I don’t remember.
I was on an airplane. Some kind of class trip, but mom had loaded me up with all kinds of stuff. I think she planned on moving wherever it was we were going. I was fiddling with something when I heard we were getting close. I started to gather all the stuff together, almost panicking because it was all spread out and I couldn’t remember what half of it was. I ended u in the cockpit, and there were three students at the controls. The windshield was all black, looked like we were in space. It looked like we were being fired at, and the students were firing back somehow. When the coast was clear I went back to finish gathering the stuff and get off the plane. Some of the stuff was old photo albums with grandpa’s name on it. I never looked in them. I was too busy making sure I got everything.
It was dark. Aaron and I were being chased through this back lot area by a gang of thugs. There was tons of rubble and the fences were like a maze. Whenever someone got close to us I would turn around, look him right in the eyes, wave my hand a little, say a few words, and they would turn around and start fighting whoever was behind them. We jumped a low fence and separated. He went straight ahead into a warehouse type building, and I went right towards a hallway with double doors at the end.
It was light on the other side of those doors. I found myself in a school hallway. I was obviously a few years older, but no one seemed to notice. I found an open classroom and sat in the back next to a girl who knew me. She was showing me these large sheets of glossy paper with pictures of jewelry that were arranged almost like a hart. There was, on each page, one rather large piece, one medium piece, and several smaller pieces. I stared at them for a while trying to figure out what they meant. I was deep in thought when an alarm started going off. We were ushered outside. On the way out there was a guy who was flirting with me. He reminded me of Billy, only kind of dorky. He gave off the air of being fascinated by me, which was kind of awkward. We ended up in a courtyard are, and I took the opportunity to leave.
Aaron and I met back up on a road. It was sort of out in the country with about 6 houses. At one end was a decent sized lot with a little trailer in the center of it. This was ours. We had, apparently just moved in. There was a washer and dryer, the neatest little stove/oven, and a huge dishwasher. Someone was coming up , but I never found out who or why.
It began on a dark road. It was raining, pretty hard, and my windshield wipers weren’t working. I pulled over to see what I could do. A car or van pulled up, and I was offered a ride. I’m pretty sure I accepted.
We ended up somewhere very strange, yet oddly magnetic in it’s own way. There were 20-30 people in all, some I knew, some I didn’t. I was drawn to this guy, reminded me of Kumar only more mellow, more traditional at heart. A couple of us were gathered onto a little raft, but we ended up right back at this building.
Day and night passed quickly, but we never felt tired. When we got off the boat I came face to face with, I’ll call him K, on the pier. We started kissing passionately and even ended up on the pier making out.
We straightened ourselves and went inside. A couple of guys were making plans on how to get out of there. It was night. K went off to a far corner to look in a mirror, and I wandered into a kitchen. It was dark, I heard a “skitter” noise to my left. I looked in time to see a big bug cover up a smaller bug and eat it. Then a moth flew over and enveloped the big bug and ate it.
I left the kitchen to tell K what I had seen, but there was something going on. A lot of noise and people moving around. I found him and he had cut his hair and grown a little mustache. He said he wanted to get in touch with his roots. I fell into his arms nearly sobbing, said I wanted to do the same, but couldn’t. He asked what I was. I looked up into his eyes and he knew. We stood there just holding each other for a while.
When we went to sit down, there was some sort of scattered dance competition going on. I cleared my mind and stared off at a wall. I became vaguely aware of other things going on. Something with the raft and certain groups that had formed to discuss various things. Also something, I couldn’t quite put my finger on, that seemed almost beyond the building to which we were all confined.
When I came back to myself, someone had placed a crude plaque and some sort of . . . Paintbrush in front of me. Told me to judge the dancing. I looked to K for help and he just shrugged. I filled in what names I knew. I asked a girl next to me who the two blonde guys were. She told me, but it was so loud I didn’t catch it. The more I asked, the more obscured the names became. Finally I just dropped it on a far table and told someone else to finish filling it in.
I made my way back to K. He was sitting on a chair sort of in the kitchen. It was light now. I kneeled in front of him and rested my head on his leg. He started to stroke my hair. I asked him something. He seemed kind of shocked and said, “If you can focus, I will work harder for you.” I was taken aback. Felt almost let down. Yet when I looked into his eyes I saw only love and compassion. I felt something stir inside of me.
I was drawn out to the pier, following about 3 people I knew. He followed close behind. I looked at the water to find a place where I could kick off my shoes and dip my feet in, but it was too high and I didn’t want to get my pants wet. So I stood. We were discussing the raft, trying to figure out how we got there. I got a flash of something in my mind. A cave maybe? K came and went through my left pocket, pulled something out and stood back a little. I felt a tickle in my throat and woke up.
Aaron and I lived in a really small town. We were running around this tiny library researching something. Some old lady, about 60 or so, accused me of stealing one of the books. I clearly pointed out the only books I had used. She was with a group of about 10 or 15 little kids. We were holding onto something pretty important, some kind of electric box . . . Not sure what it did. It started raining so we went home. It was a pretty short walk. We neared our home and our neighbor came out ranting about floods and destruction. He implored us to seek shelter and tried to either follow us or get us to follow him. We were having none of it. Our parcel was too important and he had a tendency to ask too many questions.
Our neighbor from the other side showed up, an older gentleman, and told him to leave us alone. Everyone departed and it began to rain harder. We went inside and took shelter in the center of our house. It was tiny and cramped with stuff. We sat the parcel between us and waited out the storm. It rained pretty viciously, and there was some damage, but we, and our stuff, were unharmed.